1 [[!meta title="Tails report for October, 2016"]]
2 [[!meta date="Fri, 15 Nov 2016 12:34:56 +0000"]]
3 [[!pagetemplate template="news.tmpl"]]
10 * Tails 2.7 is [[scheduled for November 15|contribute/calendar]].
15 * The branch for [OnionShare](https://onionshare.org) support was much
16 improved and is now ready for review ([[!tails_ticket 7870]]).
17 This required a complete rewrite of our Tor control port filter to
18 make it a lot more powerful… and in passing, flexible enough for
24 * Our test suite covers 213 scenarios, 4 more that at the end of September.
26 * 575 ISO images were automatically built and tested by our continuous integration infrastructure.
28 * We published a mechanism for the [[distribution and activation of the
29 revocation certificate of the Tails signing
30 key|doc/about/openpgp_keys/signing_key_revocation]]. It allows revoking
31 the Tails signing key even if very bad things happens to most of the
32 team while making it hard for isolated and malicious individuals to revoke
33 the signing key when not needed. We encourage experts to review this
34 mechanism and other projects to adopt similar practices.
39 - We launched a donation campaign to run until the end of 2016. We already
40 raised [56 bitcoins](https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?timespan=30days&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2)!
42 - We published our [[financial report for 2015|doc/about/finances#2015]].
44 - Our proposal for [NLnet](https://nlnet.nl/foundation/request/) on
45 porting Tails to Debian Stretch made it to the second round.
50 - DrWhax, intrigeri, and sajolida attended the OTF summit. It was a wonderful
51 opportunity to strengthen our relationships with the Internet freedom
52 community at large: other operating systems, usability experts,
53 translators, technical writers, funders, trainers, and Tails enthusiasts in
59 * [Improving memory erasure on shutdown](https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-dev/2016-October/010991.html)
60 * [Tails control port filter proxy in Whonix?](https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-dev/2016-October/010996.html)
61 * A second meeting took place to improve random pool seeding
62 ([[blueprint|blueprint/randomness_seeding]],
63 [[!tails_ticket 7675]]); other meetings will follow.
70 - de: 55% (2875) strings translated, 4% strings fuzzy, 49% words translated
71 - fa: 45% (2339) strings translated, 7% strings fuzzy, 50% words translated
72 - fr: 78% (4071) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 76% words translated
73 - it: 30% (1590) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 27% words translated
74 - pt: 30% (1586) strings translated, 8% strings fuzzy, 28% words translated
76 Total original words: 52401
78 ## [[Core pages of the website|contribute/l10n_tricks/core_po_files.txt]]
80 - de: 84% (1572) strings translated, 8% strings fuzzy, 84% words translated
81 - fa: 39% (727) strings translated, 9% strings fuzzy, 40% words translated
82 - fr: 91% (1699) strings translated, 6% strings fuzzy, 91% words translated
83 - it: 81% (1523) strings translated, 8% strings fuzzy, 81% words translated
84 - pt: 50% (942) strings translated, 12% strings fuzzy, 51% words translated
86 Total original words: 16935
91 * Tails has been started more than 593446 times this month. This makes 19782 boots a day on average.
92 * 12205 downloads of the OpenPGP signature of Tails ISO from our website.
93 * 99 bug reports were received through WhisperBack.