1 [[!meta title="Tails report for October, 2017"]]
2 [[!meta date="Sat, 11 Nov 2017 12:34:56 +0000"]]
3 [[!pagetemplate template="news.tmpl"]]
10 - We started evaluating our options regarding a possible
11 [[!tails_ticket 14789 desc="upgrade to Linux 4.13"]]
14 - We had a first sprint to evaluate how it would be like if Tails was
15 [[based on quarterly snapshots of Debian testing|blueprint/Debian_testing]]:
16 - We ported most of Tails to Debian Buster.
17 - We adjusted most of our test suite accordingly.
18 - We designed a [[!tails_ticket 14791 desc="process"]] and
19 implemented [[!tails_ticket 14579 desc="tools"]] that will allow
20 us to tell technical writers what part of the documentation is
21 affected by changes in our code, test suite, or installed packages.
22 - We adapted the Debian Security Tracker code to
23 [[!tails_ticket 14823 desc="track security issues fixed in Debian but not in the snapshots Tails uses"]].
24 - In November we will check how we are doing and will decide what
25 the next steps shall be.
27 Documentation and website
28 =========================
30 - We improved our donation page in preparation of the donation campaign
31 to mention CCT instead of Zwiebelfreunde and be better structured.
36 - We installed [*LimeSurvey* on our infrastructure](https://survey.tails.boum.org)
37 and advertised a first survey on file storage encryption from the homepage of
38 *Tor Browser* in Tails. Our users have been [very responsive to our
39 call](https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-ux/2017-October/003505.html)
40 and since then we have gathered 30 complete answers to the survey each
41 day on average, reaching 375 in total on October 30.
43 - We extensively tested older and newer versions of UUI to understand why
44 [[!tails_ticket 13206 desc="cloning from a USB stick installed using UUI
45 sometimes fails"]]. Everything is fine as long as "*Format in FAT32*" is
46 checked which is documented but not always applied by users, so we should
47 either improve UUI, our documentation, or *Tails Greeter* to prevent that.
49 - We continued to port our verification extension for Firefox to Web
50 Extensions and [we now have a working prototype](https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-dev/2017-October/011817.html)!
51 that computes the checksum in a reasonable time (45 seconds).
53 Hot topics on our help desk
54 ===========================
56 1. [Tails Installer treats drives differently depending on when they are plugged](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/14755)
58 1. [Install by cloning sometimes silently fails from a stick installed with UUI](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/13206)
60 1. A few users with Nvidia graphics reported some issues.
65 - We consolidated our system administration team by hiring a new
66 member. Welcome, groente!
68 - For our installation of *LimeSurvey*, we implemented an automatic monitoring
69 of new upstream versions to notify system administrators when a security
70 update is available ([Git repository](https://git-tails.immerda.ch/monitor-limesurvey-releases)).
75 - The proposal that we submitted to the [Lush Digital Fund](https://uk.lush.com/article/introducing-digital-fund)
76 in May was accepted. It will fund the integration of a web-based translation
77 platform in the build of our website and documentation.
79 - We published our [[finances for 2016|doc/about/finances#2016]].
81 - We launched our 2017 donation campaign and blogged about [[Many hands make
82 Tails|news/many_hands_make_tails]].
90 * The Hackmitin 2017 at [Rancho Electronico](https://ranchoelectronico.org/hackmitin-2017-how-to/) in Ciudad Monstruo, Mexico featured two Tails workshops.
92 * Some of us attended the Reproducible Builds World summit in Berlin, Germany.
97 * intrigeri will attend the OTF summit in Valencia (November 14-16).
99 * Many Tails people will be at the
100 [34th Chaos Communication Congress, aka. 34C3](https://www.ccc.de/en/updates/2017/34C3-in-leipzig)
101 in Leipzig (December 27 to December 30).
103 Press and testimonials
104 ======================
106 * Tails is briefly mentioned in the Arte televisions' series on philosophy. In
107 French [[«Incognito, donc libre?»|https://sites.arte.tv/philosophie/fr/incognito-donc-libre-yann-perreau-philosophie]],
108 in German: [["Inkognito, also frei?"|https://sites.arte.tv/philosophie/de/inkognito-also-frei-yann-perreau-philosophie]]
110 * Infosec Bytes has created a [[video crash course series about Tails
111 for journalists|https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLOZKbRUo9H_qXgyGp5UVYCoGQYo9YB5E8&v=-f6cgUKBUXg]].
112 They are based at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London
113 and supported by the Logan Foundation.
120 - de: 54% (2825) strings translated, 7% strings fuzzy, 48% words translated
121 - fa: 40% (2107) strings translated, 9% strings fuzzy, 43% words translated
122 - fr: 89% (4631) strings translated, 1% strings fuzzy, 87% words translated
123 - it: 39% (2025) strings translated, 5% strings fuzzy, 34% words translated
124 - pt: 24% (1290) strings translated, 9% strings fuzzy, 21% words translated
126 Total original words: 54735
128 ## [[Core pages of the website|contribute/l10n_tricks/core_po_files.txt]]
130 - de: 76% (1454) strings translated, 13% strings fuzzy, 77% words translated
131 - fa: 34% (651) strings translated, 11% strings fuzzy, 35% words translated
132 - fr: 98% (1870) strings translated, 0% strings fuzzy, 99% words translated
133 - it: 76% (1447) strings translated, 13% strings fuzzy, 77% words translated
134 - pt: 44% (850) strings translated, 15% strings fuzzy, 45% words translated
136 Total original words: 17292
141 * Tails has been started more than 683188 times this month. This makes 22036 boots a day on average.
142 * 11166 downloads of the OpenPGP signature of Tails ISO from our website.
143 * 137 bug reports were received through WhisperBack.