1 [[!meta date="Sat, 23 Sep 2017 12:34:56 +0000"]]
2 [[!meta title="Numerous security holes in Tails 3.1"]]
3 [[!pagetemplate template="news.tmpl"]]
5 [[!tag security/fixed]]
7 Several security holes that affect Tails 3.1 are now fixed in Tails 3.2.
9 We **strongly** encourage you to
10 [[upgrade to Tails 3.2|news/version_3.2]] as soon as possible.
12 - Linux: [[!debsa2017 3945]], and *partially* fixes
13 [[!debsa2017 3981]] (*not* fixed: [[!cve CVE-2017-7558]],
14 [[!cve CVE-2017-12153]], [[!cve CVE-2017-12154]],
15 [[!cve CVE-2017-14051]], [[!cve CVE-2017-14340]],
16 [[!cve CVE-2017-14489]], [[!cve CVE-2017-14497]],
17 [[!cve CVE-2017-1000251]], [[!cve CVE-2017-1000252]])
19 [MSFA 2017-22](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2017-22/)
20 - libsoup2.4: [[!debsa2017 3929]]
21 - git: [[!debsa2017 3934]]
22 - libgd2: [[!debsa2017 3938]], [[!debsa2017 3961]]
23 - libmspack: [[!debsa2017 3946]]
24 - libraw: [[!debsa2017 3950]]
25 - libxml2: [[!debsa2017 3952]]
26 - thunderbird (icedove): [[!debsa2017 3968]]
27 - tcpdump: [[!debsa2017 3971]]
28 - bluez: [[!debsa2017 3972]]
29 - perl: [[!debsa2017 3982]]
30 - samba: [[!debsa2017 3983]]