1 [[!meta title="Contributing to Tails"]]
2 [[!meta stylesheet="hide-breadcrumbs" rel="stylesheet" title=""]]
4 There are many ways you can contribute to Tails. No effort is too
5 small and whatever you bring to this community will be appreciated.
6 So read on to find out how you can make a difference in Tails.
8 <div class="contribute-roles-1">
9 <h2>Share your experience</h2>
10 <div class="contribute-role" id="user">
11 [[!img user.png link=no]]
12 <p>Every user can help others or provide developers with useful information.</p>
14 <li>[[Report bugs|doc/first_steps/bug_reporting]]</li>
15 <li>[[Test experimental Tails images|contribute/how/testing]]</li>
16 <li>[[Provide input to developers|contribute/how/input]]</li>
17 <li>[[Help other Tails users|contribute/how/help]]</li>
22 <div class="contribute-roles-1">
24 <div class="contribute-role" id="donate">
25 [[!img donate.png link=no]]
26 <p>Donating speeds up the development of Tails.</p>
28 <li><a href="https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=contribute">Make a donation</a></li>
33 <div class="contribute-roles-3">
34 <h2>Contribute your language skills</h2>
35 <div class="contribute-role" id="content-writer">
37 [[!img writer.png link=no]]
38 <p>Good writers can make Tails accessible to more people.</p>
40 <li>[[Improve documentation|contribute/how/documentation]]</li>
41 <li>[[Write press releases|contribute/how/promote]]</li>
44 <div class="contribute-role" id="translator">
46 [[!img translator.png link=no]]
47 <p>Translators can allow more people around the world to use Tails.</p>
49 <li>[[Improve Tails in your own language|contribute/how/translate]]</li>
52 <div class="contribute-role" id="speaker">
54 [[!img speaker.png link=no]]
55 <p>Speakers can advocate Tails to all kinds of public.</p>
57 <li>[[Outreach material: logo, leaflets, stickers, etc.|contribute/how/promote]]</li>
58 <li>[[Press and media information|press]]</li>
63 <div class="contribute-roles-3">
64 <h2>Contribute your computer skills</h2>
65 <div class="contribute-role" id="developer">
66 <h3>Developer or maintainer</h3>
67 [[!img software_developer.png link=no]]
68 <p>Software people with very diverse skills can improve Tails.</p>
70 <li>[[Work on the source code|contribute/how/code]]</li>
71 <li>[[Improve Tails by working on Debian|contribute/how/debian]]</li>
74 <div class="contribute-role" id="sysadmin">
75 <h3>System administrator</h3>
76 [[!img system_administrator.png link=no]]
77 <p>System administrators can contribute to the infrastructure behind Tails.</p>
79 <li>[[Run a HTTP mirror|contribute/how/mirror]]</li>
80 <li>[[Improve Tails infrastructure|contribute/how/sysadmin]]</li>
83 <div class="contribute-role" id="designer">
85 [[!img designer.png link=no]]
86 <p>Designers can make Tails easier to use and more appealing.</p>
88 <li>[[Improve the website|contribute/how/website]]</li>
89 <li>[[Design graphics|contribute/how/graphics]]</li>
90 <li>[[Improve the Tails user experience|contribute/how/user_experience]]</li>
97 <h1>Table of contents</h1>
100 <li class="L2"><a href="#reference-documents">Reference documents</a></li>
101 <li class="L2"><a href="#tools">Tools for contributors</a></li>
102 <li class="L2"><a href="#release-cycle">Release cycle</a></li>
103 <li class="L2"><a href="#upstream">Relationship with upstream</a></li>
104 <li class="L2"><a href="#collective-process">Collective process</a></li>
105 <li class="L2"><a href="#talk">Talk with us</a></li>
112 This section is only in English, because there is currently no way to
113 contribute to Tails if you do not understand English.
117 <a id="reference-documents"></a>
122 - [[Mission and values|contribute/mission]]
123 - [[Design documents|contribute/design]]
124 - [Blueprints](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/blueprints/-/wikis/) to help structuring ideas for future improvements
125 - [[Merge policy|contribute/merge_policy]]
126 - [[!tails_website contribute/how/promote/material/logo desc="Logo"]]
127 - [[Personas|contribute/personas]]
131 Tools for contributors
132 ======================
134 - Source code: [[Git repositories|contribute/git]]
135 - [[!tails_roadmap desc="Roadmap"]]
136 - [[GitLab source code and bug tracker|contribute/working_together/GitLab]]
137 - [[Starter tasks|starter_tasks]] for new contributors
138 - [[Building a Tails image|contribute/build]]
139 - [[Build a local copy of the website|contribute/build/website]]
140 - [[Customize Tails|contribute/customize]]
141 - [Nightly Tails image builds](https://nightly.tails.boum.org)
142 - [[Jenkins CI|contribute/working_together/roles/sysadmins/Jenkins]]
144 - [[APT repository|contribute/APT_repository]], to store our custom Debian packages
145 - How we manage and upgrade the [[Linux kernel|contribute/Linux_kernel]].
146 - How we manage and upgrade [[contribute/tor]].
147 - [[Glossary for contributors|contribute/glossary]]
149 <a id="release-cycle"></a>
154 - [[Release schedule|contribute/release_schedule]]
155 - [[Release process|contribute/release_process]]
156 - [[Manual test suite|contribute/release_process/test]]
157 - [[Automated test suite|contribute/release_process/test/automated_tests]]
159 <a id="upstream"></a>
161 Relationship with upstream and derivatives
162 ==========================================
164 - [[Relationship with upstream|contribute/relationship_with_upstream]]
165 - [[Improve Tails by working on Debian|contribute/how/debian]]
166 - [[About creating Tails derivatives|contribute/derivatives]]
168 <a id="collective-process"></a>
173 - [[Calendar|contribute/calendar]] of releases, meetings, working sessions, etc.
174 - [[Code of conduct|contribute/working_together/code_of_conduct]]
175 - [[Social contract|doc/about/social_contract]]
176 - [[Marking a task as Starter|contribute/working_together/criteria_for_starter_tasks]]
177 - [[Document progress|contribute/working_together/GitLab#document-progress]]
179 - [[Organizing a sprint|contribute/sprint]]
180 - [[Sponsorship to attend events on behalf of Tails|contribute/sponsorship_to_attend_events]]
181 - [[Hardware and other reimbursements|contribute/reimbursements]]
183 - [[Accounting and management team|contribute/working_together/roles/accounting]]
184 - [[Foundations team|contribute/working_together/roles/foundations_team]]
185 - [[Help desk|contribute/working_together/roles/help_desk]]
186 - [[Release managers|contribute/working_together/roles/release_manager]]
187 - [[Ticket gardeners|contribute/working_together/roles/ticket_gardener]]
188 - [[Sysadmins|contribute/working_together/roles/sysadmins]]
189 - [[Technical writers|contribute/working_together/roles/technical_writer]]
190 - [[Test suite maintainers|contribute/working_together/roles/test_suite]]
191 - [[Translation platform maintainers|contribute/working_together/roles/translation_platform]]
192 - [[UX designers|contribute/working_together/roles/ux]]
193 - [[Verification JavaScript
194 maintainers|contribute/working_together/roles/verification_javascript]]
195 - Interfaces between roles and teams
196 - [[Developers and Release Managers|contribute/working_together/interfaces/developers_and_release_managers]]
197 - Roles for sponsor deliverables:
198 - [[Team manager|contribute/working_together/roles/sponsor_deliverables/team_manager]]
199 - [[Worker|contribute/working_together/roles/sponsor_deliverables/worker]]
200 - [[Reports sent to sponsors|contribute/reports]]
207 To talk to other Tails contributors, subscribe to
208 [[the relevant mailing lists|about/contact]].