2 %Texture N dragonN1.png
3 %Texture R dragonR1.png
4 %Texture V dragonV2.png
6 %Texture M pedrusco_cal1.png
7 %Texture N pedrusco_cal2.png
8 %Texture m pedrusco_cal3.png
9 %Texture n pedrusco_cal4.png
11 %Texture b pedrusco1.png
12 %Texture B pedrusco1M.png
14 %Texture t tierra1.png
15 %Texture r tierra2.png
17 %Texture P portal_abierto.png
18 %Texture Z piedra_runaz.png
21 %CreateTajundraWithLife 120
23 %StageTitle Tutorial 2 - Shooting
40 [rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt]
43 [Use space to throw axes.]
44 [Be very careful, your weapon ]
45 [bounces on walls and ceilings]
46 [So, you can injure yourself.]
50 [These blocks are weak. You can]
51 [destroy them throwing axes several times]
54 [This is your first enemy,]
56 [Kill him to reach the rune]
59 %NextStage stage_03_movingblocks.st