2 Copyright © 1995-2001, The AROS Development Team. All rights reserved.
8 #include <proto/exec.h>
11 /*****************************************************************************
14 #include <utility/tagitem.h>
15 #include <proto/utility.h>
17 AROS_LH1(void, FreeTagItems
20 AROS_LHA(struct TagItem
*, tagList
, A0
23 struct UtilityBase
*, UtilityBase
, 13, Utility
26 Free a list of TagItems which was allocated by AllocateTagItems().
29 tagList - A list of TagItems - must have been allocated by
30 AllocateTagItems() or CloneTagItems().
33 The memory containing the tagList is returned to the system.
36 The memory will only be freed if the input is non-NULL.
39 struct TagItem *tagList;
41 tagList = AllocateTagItems( 4 );
43 tagList[0].ti_Tag = NA_Name;
44 tagList[0].ti_Data = (IPTR)"A list of tags";
45 tagList[3].ti_Tag = TAG_DONE;
47 \* Do what you want with your TagList here ... *\
49 FreeTagItems( tagList );
54 utility/tagitem.h, AllocateTagItems()
59 29-10-95 digulla automatically created from
60 utility_lib.fd and clib/utility_protos.h
61 11-08-96 iaint Moved into AROS source tree.
63 *****************************************************************************/