2 include $(TOP)/config/make.cfg
4 USER_INCLUDES := -I$(TOP)/rom/cgfx
51 bltmaskbitmaprastport \
137 mousecoordsrelative \
187 setrgbconversionfunctiona \
217 #MM kernel-graphics-linklib : kernel-graphics-$(ARCH)-$(CPU) \
218 #MM hidd-graphics-linklib
219 #MM kernel-graphics-kobj : kernel-graphics-$(ARCH)-$(CPU) \
220 #MM hidd-graphics-linklib
222 #MM kernel-graphics-includes : \
223 #MM kernel-exec-includes \
224 #MM kernel-oop-includes \
225 #MM kernel-utility-includes \
226 #MM kernel-cgfx-includes \
229 %build_module mmake=kernel-graphics \
230 modname=graphics modtype=library \
231 files="graphics_init $(FUNCTIONS) $(FILES)" \
232 uselibs="hiddgraphicsstubs oop rom"
234 # Generate dummy includes for the layer library to solve a circular include
235 # dependency problem. Yes, this is a hack.
238 DUMMYDIR := $(OBJDIR)/dummyinc
239 REFFILES := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(addsuffix .ref, graphics_init $(FUNCTIONS) $(FILES)))
241 ifeq ($(findstring $(TARGET), kernel-graphics-objdir kernel-graphics-setup kernel-graphics-clean clean),)
242 %rule_genmodule_makefile modname=layers modtype=library \
243 targetdir=$(OBJDIR) conffile=../hyperlayers/layers.conf
245 $(OBJDIR)/Makefile.layers : | $(OBJDIR)
248 include $(OBJDIR)/Makefile.layers
250 %rule_genmodule_dummy modname=layers modtype=library \
251 targetdir=$(DUMMYDIR) conffile=../hyperlayers/layers.conf
253 $(REFFILES) : $(DUMMYDIR)/proto/layers.h