1 ## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX)
19 ; Can't open muimaster.library %ld.%ld or higher
23 ; Can't open intuition.library %ld.%ld or higher
27 ; Can't open utility.library %ld.%ld or higher
31 ; Can't open graphics.library %ld.%ld or higher
35 ; Can't open icon.library %ld.%ld or higher
39 ; Can't open openurl.library %ld.%ld or higher
43 ; Can't create AppClass
47 ; Can't create WinClass
51 ; Can't create PensClass
53 MSG_Err_NoAppListClass
55 ; Can't create AppListClass
57 MSG_Err_NoBrowserEditWinClass
59 ; Can't create BrowserEditWinClass
61 MSG_Err_NoMailerEditWinClass
63 ; Can't create MailerEditWinClass
65 MSG_Err_NoFTPEditWinClass
67 ; Can't create FTPEditWinClass
69 MSG_Err_PopupPortClass
71 ; Can't create PopupPortClass
75 ; Can't create PopphClass
79 ; Can't create application object
83 ; Can't obtain prefs from openurl.library
87 ; This version of this program doesn't know how\nto handle openurl.library prefs version %ld
95 ; OpenURL preferences application.
99 ; Public Domain Software
147 ; D\0Defaults settings
161 MSG_Win_Labels_Browsers
165 MSG_Win_Labels_Mailers
199 ; Use preferences without closing window.
207 ; Close window, without using preferences.
221 MSG_AppList_Edit_Help
229 MSG_AppList_Clone_Help
231 ; Clone active entry.
237 MSG_AppList_Delete_Help
239 ; Delete active entry.
245 MSG_AppList_Disable_Help
247 ; Disable active entry.
249 MSG_AppList_MoveUp_Help
251 ; Move active entry up.
253 MSG_AppList_MoveDown_Help
255 ; Move active entry down.
311 ; Complete path to the application.
319 ; Name of the application ARexx port\nto send commands to.
327 ; ARexx command to uniconify the application.
335 ; ARexx command to move the application\nscreen to front.
341 MSG_Edit_OpenURL_Help
343 ; ARexx command to reach an URL.
351 ; ARexx command to reach an URL\nin a new window (or tab).
353 MSG_Browser_List_Help
361 MSG_Browser_NewBrowser
381 MSG_Mailer_Write_Help
383 ; ARexx command to open a\n\"write a new EMail window\".
385 MSG_Mailer_PopAddress
389 MSG_Mailer_Popsubject
393 MSG_Mailer_PopBodyText
397 MSG_Mailer_PopBodyFile
403 ; List of FTP clients.
413 MSG_FTP_RemoveURLQualifier
417 MSG_FTP_RemoveURLQualifier_Help
419 ; If selected, \"ftp://\" is removed\nfrom the URL.
431 ; _Prepend \"http://\" to URLs without a scheme
433 MSG_Misc_Prepend_Help
435 ; If selected, \"http://\" is added to any URL\nwithout a scheme, so that it is opened in the\nbrowser.
439 ; S_end mailto: URLs to email application
441 MSG_Misc_UseMailer_Help
443 ; If selected, \"mailto:\" URLs are sent to\nthe mailer, otherwise they are sent to the\nbrowser.
447 ; Se_nd \"ftp://\" URLs to FTP application
451 ; If selected, \"fpt://\" URLs are sent to\nthe FTP client, otherwise they are sent to\nthe browser.
455 ; Un_iconify application
459 ; If selected, the application is uniconified,\nbefore sending the URL to it.
463 ; _Bring browser screen to front
467 ; If selected, the application screen is moved\nto front, before sending the URL.
471 ; _Open URL in new client window (or tab)
475 ; If selected, a new application window (or tab)\nis opened, before sending the URL.
479 ; _Launch browser if one isn't running
483 ; If selected, a new application is run, if none is found.
493 MSG_Pens_EnabledPen_Help
495 ; Pen used for enabled entries lamp.
497 MSG_Pens_EnabledPen_WinTitle
505 MSG_Pens_DisabledPen_Help
507 ; Pen used for disabled entries lamp.
509 MSG_Pens_DisabledPen_WinTitle
517 MSG_Pens_DetailPen_Help
519 ; Pen used for lamp details.
521 MSG_Pens_DetailPen_WinTitle
531 ; OpenURL is a shared library for easily sending\nURLs from applications to browsers, mailers and\nFTP clients. OpenURL is destributed in the Public Domain.
557 MSG_About_Translation
565 MSG_About_TranslatorURL