Updated PCI IDs to latest snapshot.
[tangerine.git] / workbench / libs / openurl / library / amigaos4_68k.c
1 /*
2 ** openurl.library - universal URL display and browser
3 ** launcher library
4 **
5 ** AmigaOS4 68k Jump table - Provides jump table for old
6 ** 68k programs.
7 **
8 ** Written by Alexandre Balaban <alexandre@balaban.name>
9 */
11 #undef __USE_INLINE__
13 #if !defined(__amigaos4__)
14 # error This file is AmigaOS4 specific and should not be used on other platforms
15 #endif
18 #define URL_GetPrefs_Default URL_GetPrefs_Mode
20 #include <exec/emulation.h>
21 #include <libraries/openurl.h>
22 #include <interfaces/openurl.h>
24 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
26 STATIC ULONG stub_OpenPPC(ULONG *regarray)
28 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
29 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
30 struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self = (struct LibraryManagerInterface *) ExtLib->ILibrary;
32 return (ULONG)Self->Open(0);
34 struct EmuTrap stub_Open = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_OpenPPC };
36 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
38 STATIC ULONG stub_ClosePPC(ULONG *regarray)
40 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
41 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
42 struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self = (struct LibraryManagerInterface *) ExtLib->ILibrary;
44 return (ULONG)Self->Close();
46 struct EmuTrap stub_Close = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_ClosePPC };
48 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
50 STATIC ULONG stub_ExpungePPC(ULONG *regarray)
52 return 0UL;
54 struct EmuTrap stub_Expunge = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_ExpungePPC };
56 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
58 STATIC ULONG stub_ReservedPPC(ULONG *regarray)
60 return 0UL;
62 struct EmuTrap stub_Reserved = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_ReservedPPC };
64 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
66 static ULONG stub_URL_OpenAPPC(ULONG *regarray)
68 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
69 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
70 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
72 return Self->URL_OpenA(
73 (STRPTR)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
74 (struct TagItem *)regarray[REG68K_A1/4]
77 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OpenA = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_URL_OpenAPPC };
79 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
81 static struct URL_Prefs * stub_URL_OldGetPrefsPPC(ULONG *regarray)
83 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
84 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
85 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
87 return Self->URL_GetPrefsA(
91 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OldGetPrefs = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_OldGetPrefsPPC };
93 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
95 static void stub_URL_OldFreePrefsPPC(ULONG *regarray)
97 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
98 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
99 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
101 Self->URL_FreePrefs(
102 (struct URL_Prefs *)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
103 NULL
106 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OldFreePrefs = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_OldFreePrefsPPC };
108 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
110 static ULONG stub_URL_OldSetPrefsPPC(ULONG *regarray)
112 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
113 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
114 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
116 struct TagItem stags[] = {URL_SetPrefs_Save,0,TAG_DONE};
118 stags[0].ti_Data = regarray[REG68K_D0/4];
120 return Self->URL_SetPrefsA(
121 (struct URL_Prefs *)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
122 stags
125 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OldSetPrefs = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_URL_OldSetPrefsPPC };
127 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
129 static struct URL_Prefs * stub_URL_OldGetDefaultPrefsPPC(ULONG *regarray)
131 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
132 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
133 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
135 return Self->URL_GetPrefs(
136 URL_GetPrefs_Default,
137 TRUE,
141 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OldGetDefaultPrefs = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_OldGetDefaultPrefsPPC };
143 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
145 static ULONG stub_URL_OldLaunchPrefsAppPPC(ULONG *regarray)
147 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
148 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
149 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
151 return Self->URL_LaunchPrefsAppA(
152 NULL
155 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_OldLaunchPrefsApp = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_OldLaunchPrefsAppPPC };
157 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
158 LONG VARARGS68K OS4_dispatch ( struct OpenURLIFace * Self, struct RexxMsg *msg, UBYTE ** resPtr );
160 static LONG stub_dispatchPPC(ULONG *regarray)
162 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
163 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
164 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
165 UBYTE * pRes = NULL;
167 LONG res= OS4_dispatch(
168 Self,
169 (struct RexxMsg*)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
170 &pRes
173 regarray[REG68K_A0/4] = (ULONG)pRes;
175 return res;
177 struct EmuTrap stub_dispatch = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_dispatchPPC };
179 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
181 static struct URL_Prefs * stub_URL_GetPrefsAPPC(ULONG *regarray)
183 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
184 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
185 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
187 return Self->URL_GetPrefsA(
188 (struct TagItem *)regarray[REG68K_A0/4]
191 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_GetPrefsA = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_GetPrefsAPPC };
193 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
195 static void stub_URL_FreePrefsAPPC(ULONG *regarray)
197 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
198 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
199 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
201 Self->URL_FreePrefsA(
202 (struct URL_Prefs *)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
203 (struct TagItem *)regarray[REG68K_A1/4]
206 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_FreePrefsA = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, (ULONG (*)(ULONG *))stub_URL_FreePrefsAPPC };
208 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
210 static ULONG stub_URL_SetPrefsAPPC(ULONG *regarray)
212 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
213 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
214 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
216 return Self->URL_SetPrefsA(
217 (struct URL_Prefs *)regarray[REG68K_A0/4],
218 (struct TagItem *)regarray[REG68K_A1/4]
221 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_SetPrefsA = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_URL_SetPrefsAPPC };
223 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
225 static ULONG stub_URL_LaunchPrefsAppAPPC(ULONG *regarray)
227 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
228 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
229 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
231 return Self->URL_LaunchPrefsAppA(
232 (struct TagItem *)regarray[REG68K_A1/4]
235 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_LaunchPrefsAppA = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_URL_LaunchPrefsAppAPPC };
237 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
239 static ULONG stub_URL_GetAttrPPC(ULONG *regarray)
241 struct Library *Base = (struct Library *) regarray[REG68K_A6/4];
242 struct ExtendedLibrary *ExtLib = (struct ExtendedLibrary *) ((ULONG)Base + Base->lib_PosSize);
243 struct OpenURLIFace *Self = (struct OpenURLIFace *) ExtLib->MainIFace;
245 return Self->URL_GetAttr(
246 (ULONG)regarray[REG68K_D0/4],
247 (ULONG*)regarray[REG68K_A0/4]
250 struct EmuTrap stub_URL_GetAttr = { TRAPINST, TRAPTYPE, stub_URL_GetAttrPPC };
252 /* amigaos4 *****************************************************************/
254 ULONG VecTable68K[] = {
255 (ULONG)&stub_Open,
256 (ULONG)&stub_Close,
257 (ULONG)&stub_Expunge,
258 (ULONG)&stub_Reserved,
260 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OpenA,
261 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OldGetPrefs,
262 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OldFreePrefs,
263 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OldSetPrefs,
264 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OldGetDefaultPrefs,
265 (ULONG)&stub_URL_OldLaunchPrefsApp,
266 (ULONG)&stub_dispatch,
267 (ULONG)&stub_URL_GetPrefsA,
268 (ULONG)&stub_URL_FreePrefsA,
269 (ULONG)&stub_URL_SetPrefsA,
270 (ULONG)&stub_URL_LaunchPrefsAppA,
271 (ULONG)&stub_URL_GetAttr,
273 (ULONG)-1