Updated PCI IDs to latest snapshot.
[tangerine.git] / workbench / prefs / reqtools / rtstrings.c
1 /* File generated by Cat2Inc - DO NOT EDIT! */
2 #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
3 #include <exec/types.h>
4 #endif
6 #ifdef __AROS__
7 #define const /* Too many compiler warnings */
8 #endif
10 const TEXT MSG_WINDOW_TITLE[] = "\x00" "\x01" "ReqTools Preferences";
11 const TEXT MSG_GENERAL[] = "\x00" "\x02" "General";
12 const TEXT MSG_FILEREQUESTER[] = "\x00" "\x03" "File Requester";
13 const TEXT MSG_SIZE[] = "\x00" "\x04" "Size (% of visible height):";
14 const TEXT MSG_SET[] = "\x00" "\x05" "Set...";
15 const TEXT MSG_TEST[] = "\x00" "\x06" "Test...";
16 const TEXT MSG_SAVE[] = "\x00" "\x07" "Save";
17 const TEXT MSG_USE[] = "\x00" "\x08" "Use";
18 const TEXT MSG_CANCEL[] = "\x00" "\x09" "Cancel";
19 const TEXT MSG_ABORT[] = "\x00" "\x0A" "Abort";
20 const TEXT MSG_OK[] = "\x00" "\x0B" " Ok";
21 const TEXT MSG_INFORMATION[] = "\x00" "\x0C" "Information";
22 const TEXT MSG_PROJECT_MENU[] = "\x00" "\x64" "Project";
23 const TEXT MSG_PROJECT_OPEN[] = "\x00" "\x65" "O" "\x00" "Open...";
24 const TEXT MSG_PROJECT_SAVEAS[] = "\x00" "\x66" "A" "\x00" "Save As...";
25 const TEXT MSG_PROJECT_ABOUT[] = "\x00" "\x67" "?" "\x00" "About...";
26 const TEXT MSG_PROJECT_QUIT[] = "\x00" "\x68" "Q" "\x00" "Quit";
27 const TEXT MSG_EDIT_MENU[] = "\x00" "\x69" "Edit";
28 const TEXT MSG_EDIT_RESET[] = "\x00" "\x6A" "D" "\x00" "Reset To Defaults";
29 const TEXT MSG_EDIT_LASTSAVED[] = "\x00" "\x6B" "L" "\x00" "Last Saved";
30 const TEXT MSG_EDIT_RESTORE[] = "\x00" "\x6C" "R" "\x00" "Restore";
31 const TEXT MSG_OPTIONS_MENU[] = "\x00" "\x6D" "Options";
32 const TEXT MSG_OPTIONS_CREATEICONS[] = "\x00" "\x6E" "I" "\x00" "Create Icons?";
33 const TEXT MSG_POPSCREEN[] = "\x00" "\xC8" "Pop screen to front";
34 const TEXT MSG_IMMEDIATESORT[] = "\x00" "\xC9" "Immediate sort";
35 const TEXT MSG_DRAWERSFIRST[] = "\x00" "\xCA" "Display drawers first";
36 const TEXT MSG_DRAWERSMIXED[] = "\x00" "\xCB" "Mix files and drawers";
37 const TEXT MSG_LED[] = "\x00" "\xCC" "Disk activity LED";
38 const TEXT MSG_DEFAULTFONT[] = "\x00" "\xCD" "Use system default font";
39 const TEXT MSG_FKEYS[] = "\x00" "\xCE" "Use function keys";
40 const TEXT MSG_DOWHEEL[] = "\x00" "\xCF" "Color wheel";
41 const TEXT MSG_WHEEL_NONE[] = "\x00" "\xD0" "No color wheel";
42 const TEXT MSG_WHEEL_SIMPLE[] = "\x00" "\xD1" "Simple color wheel";
43 const TEXT MSG_WHEEL_FANCY[] = "\x00" "\xD2" "Fancy color wheel";
44 const TEXT MSG_MMB_PARENT[] = "\x00" "\xD3" "MMB gives parent";
45 const TEXT MSG_REQUESTER[] = "\x01" "\x2C" "Defaults for";
46 const TEXT MSG_FILEREQ[] = "\x01" "\x2D" "File Requester";
47 const TEXT MSG_FONTREQ[] = "\x01" "\x2E" "Font Requester";
48 const TEXT MSG_PALETTEREQ[] = "\x01" "\x2F" "Palette Requester";
49 const TEXT MSG_SCRMODEREQ[] = "\x01" "\x30" "Screen Mode Requester";
50 const TEXT MSG_VOLUMEREQ[] = "\x01" "\x31" "Volume Requester";
51 const TEXT MSG_OTHERREQ[] = "\x01" "\x32" "Other Requesters";
52 const TEXT MSG_POSITION[] = "\x01" "\x90" "Position:";
53 const TEXT MSG_POINTER[] = "\x01" "\x91" "Mouse pointer";
54 const TEXT MSG_CENTERWIN[] = "\x01" "\x92" "Center in window";
55 const TEXT MSG_CENTERSCR[] = "\x01" "\x93" "Center on screen";
56 const TEXT MSG_TOPLEFTWIN[] = "\x01" "\x94" "Top left of window";
57 const TEXT MSG_TOPLEFTSCR[] = "\x01" "\x95" "Top left of screen";
58 const TEXT MSG_OFFSET[] = "\x01" "\x96" "Offset:";
59 const TEXT MSG_NR_OF_ENTRIES[] = "\x01" "\xF4" "Number of visible entries:";
60 const TEXT MSG_MIN[] = "\x01" "\xF5" "Minimum";
61 const TEXT MSG_MAX[] = "\x01" "\xF6" "Maximum";
62 const TEXT MSG_YOU_NEED_REQTOOLS38[] = "\x02" "\x58" "You need reqtools.library V38+!";
63 const TEXT MSG_WRONG_REQTOOLS_VERSION[] = "\x02" "\x59" "The version of reqtools.library you have" "\x0A" "does not support preferences!";
64 const TEXT MSG_ALL_PREFS_NOT_SUPPORTED[] = "\x02" "\x5A" "WARNING: This version of the preference editor" "\x0A" "doesn't support all the preferences of the" "\x0A" "reqtools.library you've got installed!";
65 const TEXT MSG_NO_WB_LIB[] = "\x02" "\x5B" "Couldn't open workbench.library!";
66 const TEXT MSG_NO_UTILITY_LIB[] = "\x02" "\x5C" "Couldn't open utility.library!";
67 const TEXT MSG_NO_ICON_LIB[] = "\x02" "\x5D" "Couldn't open icon.library!";
68 const TEXT MSG_COULDNT_LOCK_PUBSCREEN[] = "\x02" "\x5E" "Couldn't lock public screen!";
69 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_GETSCREENDRAWINFO[] = "\x02" "\x5F" "Error getting draw info!";
70 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_GETVISUALINFO[] = "\x02" "\x60" "Error getting visual info!";
71 const TEXT MSG_COULDNT_OPEN_WINDOW[] = "\x02" "\x61" "Couldn't open window!";
72 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_ACCESSING_FILE[] = "\x02" "\x62" "Error accessing file" "\x0A" "%s," "\x0A" "%s";
73 const TEXT MSG_READ_ERROR[] = "\x02" "\x63" "Read error!";
74 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_SAVING_PREFS[] = "\x02" "\x64" "Error saving preferences!";
75 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_ARGS[] = "\x02" "\x65" "Argument error";
76 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_LIBRARY[] = "\x02" "\x66" "Couldn't open %s" "\x0A" "version %ld or higher!";
77 const TEXT MSG_ERROR_MENUS[] = "\x02" "\x67" "Couldn't create menus!";