New bitmap method SetRGBConversionFunction which can be used to
[tangerine.git] / tools / genmf /
1 #! @PYTHON@
2 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
3 # Copyright © 2003-2004, The AROS Development Team. All rights reserved.
5 import sys, re
8 if not len(sys.argv) in [2, 4] :
9 print "Usage:",sys.argv[0],"tmplfile [inputfile outputfile]"
10 print "Usage:",sys.argv[0],"tmplfile --listfile filename"
12 # A regular expression for the start of a template instantiation (ex. %build_module)
13 re_tmplinst = re.compile('%([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?=(?:\s|$))')
14 # A regular expression for the argument specification during template instantiation
15 # (ex. cflags=$(CFLAGS) or uselibs="amiga arosc")
16 re_arg = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=([^\s"]+|".*?")?')
18 ##################################
19 # Class and function definitions #
20 ##################################
22 # Exception used throughout this program
23 class GenmfException:
24 def __init__(self, s):
25 self.s = s
26 def __str__(self):
27 return self.s
30 # Scan the given lines for template instantiations
31 # Input params:
32 # - lines: an array of strings
33 # - templates: an assosiative array of objects of class template
35 # Returns:
36 # - templrefs: an array of tuples with two elems. First element is the lineno
37 # in the lines array, second is the results of the search for that line with
38 # re_tmplinst. Only templates which name are present in the templates argument
39 # will be added to this array.
40 def generate_templrefs(lines, templates):
41 templrefs = []
43 for lineno in range(len(lines)):
44 line = lines[lineno]
45 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#":
46 continue
48 m =
49 if m and templates.has_key( and not (m.start() > 0 and line[m.start()-1] == "#"):
50 templrefs.append((lineno, m))
52 return templrefs
55 # Write out the lines to a file with instantiating the templates present in the file
56 # Input params:
57 # - lines: The lines to write out
58 # - templrefs: the instantiated templates present in these lines
59 # - templates: the template definitions
60 # - outfile: the file to write to
62 # This function does not return anything but raises a GenmfException when there are
63 # problems
64 def writelines(lines, templrefs, templates, outfile):
65 start = 0
66 for lineno, m in templrefs:
67 if start<lineno:
68 outfile.writelines(lines[start:lineno])
70 start = lineno + 1
71 line = lines[lineno]
72 while line[len(line)-2] == "\\" and start < len(lines):
73 line = line[0:len(line)-2] + lines[start]
74 start = start + 1
76 if == "common":
77 template.hascommon = 1
79 try:
80 templates[].write(outfile,, line[m.end():].lstrip(), templates)
81 except GenmfException, ge:
82 raise GenmfException(("In instantiation of %s, line %d\n" % (, lineno+1))+ge.s)
84 if start < len(lines):
85 outfile.writelines(lines[start:len(lines)])
88 # arg is q class that stores the specification of an argument in the template header
89 # The of the arg is not stored in this class but this class is supposed to be
90 # stored in an assosiative array with the names of the arg as indices. E.g
91 # arg['cflags'] gives back an object of this class.
92 # It has the following members:
93 # - ismain: boolean to indicate if it has the /M definition
94 # - isneeded: boolean to indicate if it has the /A definition
95 # - used: boolean to indicate if a value is used in the body of a template
96 # - default: default value when the argument is not given during a template
97 # instantiation
98 # - value: The value this argument has during a template instantiation is stored
99 # here
100 class arg:
101 # Specification can end with /A or /M
102 re_mode = re.compile('/(A|M)')
104 # You create this object with giving it the default value
105 def __init__(self, default=None):
106 self.ismain = 0
107 self.isneeded = 0
108 self.used = 0
110 while default and len(default)>1:
111 m = arg.re_mode.match(default[len(default)-2:])
112 if not m:
113 break
114 if == "M":
115 self.ismain = 1
116 elif == "A":
117 self.isneeded = 1
118 else:
119 sys.exit('Internal error: Unknown match')
121 default = default[:len(default)-2]
123 if default and default[0] == '"':
124 default = default[1:len(default)-1]
126 self.default = default
127 # The value field will get the value passed to the argument when the tmeplate is used
128 self.value = None
131 # template is a class to store the whole definition of a genmf template
132 # Members:
133 # - name: name of the template
134 # - args: an assosiative of the arguments of this template
135 # - body: an array of strings with the body of the template
136 # - mainarg: contains the arg with /M if it is present
137 # - used: Is this template already used; used to check for recursive calling
138 # of a template
139 # - linerefs: an array to indicate the genmf variables used in the body of the
140 # template. This is generated with the generate_linerefs method of this class
141 # - templrefs: an array to indicate the templates used in the body of the template.
142 # This is generated with the generate_templrefs function of this class.
143 class template:
144 re_arginst = re.compile('%\(([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\)')
145 hascommon = 0
147 # Generate a template
148 # Input params:
149 # - name: name of the template
150 # - args: an assosiative array of the arguments defined for this template
151 # - body: an array of the template with the bodylines of the template
152 def __init__(self, name, args, body):
153 = name
154 self.args = args
155 self.body = body
156 self.mainarg = None
157 self.used = 0
158 self.linerefs = None
159 self.templrefs = None
161 for argname, argbody in args.items():
162 if argbody.ismain:
163 if self.mainarg:
164 sys.exit('A template can have only one main (/M) argument')
165 self.mainarg = argbody
167 # Generate the references for the genmf variable used in this template
168 # This function will return an assositive array of tuples with linerefs[lineno]
169 # an array of tuples named argrefs with the tuple of the form (argbody, start, stop)
170 # with argbody an object of class arg, start and stop the start and end of this variable
171 # in the string of this line.
172 def generate_linerefs(self):
173 lineno = 0
174 linerefs = {}
175 while lineno < len(self.body):
176 argrefs = []
177 for m in template.re_arginst.finditer(self.body[lineno]):
178 if self.args.has_key(
179 argbody = self.args[]
180 argrefs.append((argbody, m.start(), m.end()))
181 argbody.used = 1
183 if len(argrefs) > 0:
184 linerefs[lineno] = argrefs
186 lineno = lineno+1
187 self.linerefs = linerefs
189 for argname, argbody in self.args.items():
190 if not argbody.used:
191 sys.stderr.write("Warning: template '%s': unused argument '%s'\n" % (, argname))
194 # Write out the body of the template
195 def write(self, outfile, name, line, templates):
196 if self.used:
197 raise GenmfException("Template '%s' called recursively" % name)
198 self.used = 1
200 # Reading arguments of the template
201 argno = 0
202 while len(line) > 0:
203 m = re_arg.match(line)
204 if m and self.args.has_key(
205 value =
206 if value == None:
207 #sys.stderr.write("Arg:"" Value: None Line:"+line+"\n")
208 self.args[].value = ''
209 else:
210 #sys.stderr.write("Arg:"" Value:"" Line:"+line+"\n")
211 if len(value)>0 and value[0] == '"':
212 value = value[1:len(value)-1]
213 self.args[].value = value
214 line = line[m.end():].lstrip()
215 elif self.mainarg:
216 self.mainarg.value = line[:len(line)-1]
217 line = ''
218 else:
219 raise GenmfException('Syntax error in arguments: '+line)
221 if self.linerefs == None:
222 self.generate_linerefs()
223 self.templrefs = generate_templrefs(self.body, templates)
225 for argname, argbody in self.args.items():
226 if argbody.isneeded and argbody.value == None:
227 raise GenmfException('Arg "%s" not specified but should have been' % argname)
229 text = self.body[:]
231 for lineno, argrefs in self.linerefs.items():
232 line = text[lineno]
234 pos=0
235 lineout = ''
236 for argref in argrefs:
237 if argref[1] > pos:
238 lineout = lineout + line[pos:argref[1]]
240 if not argref[0].value == None:
241 lineout = lineout + argref[0].value
242 elif argref[0].default:
243 lineout = lineout + argref[0].default
245 pos = argref[2]
247 if pos < len(line):
248 lineout = lineout + line[pos:]
250 text[lineno] = lineout
252 writelines(text, self.templrefs, templates, outfile)
253 #outfile.write('\n')
255 for argname, argbody in self.args.items():
256 argbody.value = None
257 self.used = 0
261 # Read in the definition of the genmf templates from the given filename
262 # Return an assosiative array of the templates present in this file.
263 def read_templates(filename):
264 try:
265 infile = open(filename)
266 except:
267 print "Error reading template file: "+filename
269 re_name = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?=(?:\s|$))')
270 re_openstring = re.compile('[^\s"]*"[^"]*$')
271 re_define = re.compile('%define(?=\s)')
273 lines = infile.readlines()
274 lineno = 0
275 templates = {}
276 while lineno < len(lines):
277 line = lines[lineno]
278 if re_define.match(line):
279 while line[len(line)-2] == "\\" and lineno < len(lines):
280 lineno = lineno + 1
281 line = line[0:len(line)-2] + lines[lineno]
283 line = line[7:].strip()
285 m = re_name.match(line)
286 if not m:
287 sys.exit("%s:%d:Error in syntax of template name" % (filename, lineno+1))
288 tmplname =
289 line = line[m.end():].lstrip()
291 args = {}
292 while len(line) > 0:
293 m = re_arg.match(line)
294 if not m:
295 sys.exit("%s:%d:Error in syntax of argument %d Line: %s" % (filename, lineno+1, len(args)+1, line))
296 args[] = arg(
298 line = line[m.end():].lstrip()
300 #print "Line: %d Template: %s" % (lineno+1, tmplname)
302 lineno = lineno+1
303 line = lines[lineno]
304 bodystart = lineno
305 while lineno < len(lines) and line[0:4] <> "%end":
306 lineno = lineno+1
307 line = lines[lineno]
309 if lineno == len(lines):
310 sys.exit('%s:End of file reached in a template definition' % filename)
312 templates[tmplname] = template(tmplname, args, lines[bodystart:lineno])
314 lineno = lineno+1
316 return templates
319 ################
320 # Main program #
321 ################
323 argv = []
324 i = 0
325 listfile = None
326 while i < len(sys.argv):
327 if sys.argv[i] == "--listfile":
328 listfile = sys.argv[i+1]
329 i = i + 2
330 else:
331 argv.append(sys.argv[i])
332 i = i + 1
334 #sys.stderr.write("Reading templates\n")
335 templates = read_templates(argv[1])
336 #sys.stderr.write("Read %d templates\n" % len(templates))
338 if listfile == None:
339 # Read on input file and write out one outputfile
340 if len(sys.argv) == 2:
341 lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
342 else:
343 infile = open(sys.argv[2], "r")
344 lines = infile.readlines()
345 infile.close()
347 if len(sys.argv) == 2:
348 outfile = sys.stdout
349 closeout = 0
350 else:
351 outfile = open(sys.argv[3], "w")
352 closeout = 1
354 try:
355 writelines(lines, generate_templrefs(lines, templates), templates, outfile)
356 except GenmfException, ge:
357 s = ge.s
358 if len(sys.argv) == 4:
359 s = sys.argv[3]+":"+s
360 sys.exit(s+"\n")
362 # If %common was not present in the file write it out at the end of the file
363 if not template.hascommon:
364 outfile.write("\n")
365 if templates.has_key("common"):
366 templates["common"].write(outfile, "common", "", templates)
368 if closeout:
369 outfile.close()
370 else:
371 # When a listfile is specified each line in this listfile is of the form
372 # inputfile outputfile
373 # and apply the instantiation of the templates to all these files listed there
374 infile = open(listfile, "r")
375 filelist = infile.readlines()
376 infile.close()
378 for fileno in range(len(filelist)):
379 files = filelist[fileno].split()
380 if len(files) <> 2:
381 sys.exit('%s:%d: Syntax error: %s' % (listfile, fileno+1, filelist[fileno]))
383 sys.stderr.write('Regenerating file %4d of %4d\r' % (fileno+1, len(filelist)))
384 sys.stderr.flush()
386 infile = open(files[0], "r")
387 lines = infile.readlines()
388 infile.close()
390 outfile = open(files[1], "w")
391 template.hascommon = 0
393 try:
394 writelines(lines, generate_templrefs(lines, templates), templates, outfile)
395 except GenmfException, ge:
396 s = ge.s
397 if len(sys.argv) == 4:
398 s = files[0]+":"+s
399 sys.exit(s+"\n")
401 if not template.hascommon:
402 outfile.write("\n")
403 if templates.has_key("common"):
404 templates["common"].write(outfile, "common", "", templates)
406 outfile.close()
408 sys.stderr.write('\n')