3 [Andreas Kleinert <Andreas_Kleinert@t-online.de>]
6 If you have both, SAS/C (with "smake") and StormC, you may simply type
8 smake -f storm_smakefile
11 to recompile the sample library, otherwise you may have to adjust
12 the makefile "storm_smakefile" to your favourite make utility.
14 With the configuration:
17 StormLink 2.0 Amiga-OS Target
18 (plus StormAsm, unknown version)
20 compiling worked fine with both, storm_smakefile and a project
21 settings file. The library was Ok. But please note, that with the
26 StormLink 1.1 Amiga-OS Target
28 the sample did compile fine, but nevertheless did not work, since the
29 created temporary assembler source did not had all of the static
30 data preinitialized, but in parts runtime-initialized (only tested
31 with storm_smakefile).