6 <tmweb-current|Help|Articles><tmweb-title|Articles on
7 <TeXmacs>|<tmweb-help-links>>
9 The following documents on <TeXmacs> may be be worthwhile reading:
12 <item><hlink|GNU TeXmacs: a free, structured, wysiwyg and technical text
13 editor|http://www.texmacs.org/Data/TeXmacs.pdf>, Actes du congrès
14 GUTenberg (no. 39-40), Metz, mai 2001, pages 39-50.
16 <item><hlink|GNU TeXmacs: a scientific editing
17 platform|http://www.texmacs.org/Samples/texmacs.pdf>, an introduction to
18 <TeXmacs> for scientists.
20 <item><hlink|TeXmacs interfaces to computer algebra
21 systems|http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.SC/0107036> by Andrey Grozin. Computer
22 science e-print archive.
24 <item><hlink|TeXmacs-maxima interface|http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.SC/0504039>
25 by Andrey Grozin. Computer science e-print archive.
28 <tmdoc-copyright|1999--2003|Joris van der Hoeven>
35 <associate|language|english>