1 I want to thank the following people for giving feedback, doing
2 beta-testing or helping me some other way:
4 Charles W. Sandmann <sandmann@clio.rice.edu>
5 Frank Donahoe <fdonahoe@wilkes1.wilkes.edu>
6 Holger Berger <Holger.Berger@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>
7 Jean-loup Gailly <jloup@gzip.org>
8 Laszlo Molnar <ml1050@freemail.c3.hu>
9 Mark Adler <madler@alumni.caltech.edu>
10 Paul D. Eccles <pde@sd.inri.com>
11 Rodolphe Ortalo <ortalo@laas.fr>
12 William Magro <wmagro@TC.Cornell.EDU>
13 Wolfgang Lugmayr <W.Lugmayr@infosys.tuwien.ac.at>