4 # This is the version of the make utility you wish to use.
5 # On some systems (BSD?) you might want this to be gmake.
12 CUR_DATE=`date '+%y.%m.%d'`
18 ## You may need to change this linux/include part.
19 CCFLAGS = -g -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -I${HOME}/linux/include
20 LDLIBS = # -lm #-lnsl # -lsocket
22 ARM_TC_BIN = ${HOME}/Intrinsyc/bin
23 ARM_TC_LIB = ${HOME}/Intrinsyc/lib
25 ifeq "${PLATFORM}" "ARM"
26 #echo "Building for ARM platform."
27 STRIP=${ARM_TC_BIN}/arm-linux-strip
28 CC = ${ARM_TC_BIN}/arm-linux-gcc # this is generally the c compiler, unused AFAIK
29 CCC = ${ARM_TC_BIN}/arm-linux-g++ # this is generally the c++ compiler
31 #echo "Building for x86 platform."
33 CC = g++ # this is generally the c compiler, unused AFAIK
34 CCC = g++ # this is generally the c++ compiler