1 # Makefile for creating Windows CE release archives, with the
4 # Last updated: 22-Jul-2008
6 # Copyright (C) 2008 Vincent Torri
8 # This code is released under the libpng license.
9 # For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
10 # and license in png.h
12 # To get some help, type
16 # To create the archives
20 # To remove everything, type:
31 BIN = libpng12-0.dll libpng-3.dll
32 LIB = libpng12.a libpng12.dll.a libpng.a libpng.dll.a scripts/png32ce.def
33 INCLUDE = png.h pngconf.h
34 PC = libpng12.pc libpng.pc
36 MANIFESTVERBIN = "Libpng-$(VER): Binary files"
37 MANIFESTVERDEV = "Libpng-$(VER): Developer files"
38 MANIFESTVERDESC = "Libpng: the official PNG reference library"
42 $(NAME): remove-old copy-src compilation copy manifest archive
43 @echo " * Removal of the directories"
44 @rm -rf $(PACKAGE)/ $(PACKAGE)-bin/ $(PACKAGE)-dev/
47 @echo " * Removal of the old files"
48 @rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-bin*
49 @rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-dev*
52 @echo " * Copy of source files"
53 @cp -R ../src/$(PACKAGE) .
54 @echo " * Creation of directories and files"
55 @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE)-bin/bin
56 @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE)-bin/manifest
57 @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE)-dev/lib/pkgconfig
58 @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE)-dev/include/$(NAME)$(VERMAJ)$(VERMIN)
59 @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE)-dev/manifest
60 @touch $(PACKAGE)-bin/manifest/$(PACKAGE)-bin.mft
61 @touch $(PACKAGE)-bin/manifest/$(PACKAGE)-bin.ver
62 @touch $(PACKAGE)-dev/manifest/$(PACKAGE)-dev.mft
63 @touch $(PACKAGE)-dev/manifest/$(PACKAGE)-dev.ver
66 @echo " * Compilation of $(PACKAGE)"
67 cd $(PACKAGE) && CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -DPNG_BUILD_DLL -DPNG_CONSOLE_IO_SUPPORTED -DPNG_NO_MMX_CODE -D_WIN32_WCE=0x0420" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -mms-bitfields -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--enable-auto-import -Wl,-s" ./configure --prefix=/opt/wince --host=arm-mingw32ce && make
70 @echo " * Copy of binary and development files"
71 @for i in $(BIN); do \
72 cp $(PACKAGE)/.libs/$$i $(PACKAGE)-bin/bin; \
74 @for i in $(LIB); do \
75 cp $(PACKAGE)/.libs/$$i $(PACKAGE)-dev/lib; \
77 @for i in $(INCLUDE); do \
78 cp $(PACKAGE)/$$i $(PACKAGE)-dev/include/$(NAME)$(VERMAJ)$(VERMIN); \
81 cp $(PACKAGE)/$$i $(PACKAGE)-dev/lib/pkgconfig; \
85 @echo " * Creation of the manifest"
86 @cd $(PACKAGE)-bin && find * >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-bin.mft
87 @cd $(PACKAGE)-bin && \
88 echo $(MANIFESTVERBIN) >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-bin.ver && \
89 echo $(MANIFESTVERDESC) >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-bin.ver
90 @cd $(PACKAGE)-dev && find * >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-dev.mft
91 @cd $(PACKAGE)-dev && \
92 echo $(MANIFESTVERDEV) >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-dev.ver && \
93 echo $(MANIFESTVERDESC) >> manifest/$(PACKAGE)-dev.ver
96 @echo " * Creation of the archives"
97 @tar cf $(PACKAGE)-bin.tar $(PACKAGE)-bin
98 @bzip2 -9 $(PACKAGE)-bin.tar
99 @tar cf $(PACKAGE)-dev.tar $(PACKAGE)-dev
100 @bzip2 -9 $(PACKAGE)-dev.tar
108 @echo "To create the archives, type:"
111 @echo "To remove everything, type:"