1 Public key support, analogous to that provided by RSAREF. Suggested by
2 Dan Egnor. Signatures are done now, but RSA encryption is still
5 http://download.gale.org/rsaref20.tar.Z
6 http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/evp.html
7 http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/rsa.html
9 More feedback modes, in order of decreasing priority: CBC-MAC, OFB,
10 and CFB. Suggested by Rafael 'Dido' Sevilla. References:
12 http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/modes/Recommendation/Modes01.pdf
14 Valgrind reports errors on the des-compat test program. Investigate.
16 The make rules for building position independent *_p.o files doesn't
17 get dependencies right.