Correct PPTP server firewall rules chain.
[tomato/davidwu.git] / release / src / router / usbmodeswitch / data / gen-rules.tcl
1 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
3 # Usage: gen-rules.tcl [--set-version <date>]
5 # <date> should be in the form YYYYMMDD
7 # A config file is expected to have one comment line containing
8 # a model name or other concise device specifications
11 # Default version string
12 set version "20130807"
14 if {[lindex $argv 0] == "--set-version" && [regexp {\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d} [lindex $argv 1]]} {
15 set version [lindex $argv 1]
18 set template {ATTR{idVendor}=="+##+", ATTR{idProduct}=="#++#", RUN+="usb_modeswitch '%b/%k'"}
20 if {![file isdirectory usb_modeswitch.d]} {
21 puts "No \"usb_modeswitch.d\" subfolder found"
22 exit
25 set filelist [glob -nocomplain ./usb_modeswitch.d/*]
26 if {[llength $filelist] == 0} {
27 puts "The \"usb_modeswitch.d\" subfolder is empty"
28 exit
31 set wc [open "40-usb_modeswitch.rules" w]
33 # Writing file header with given version
35 puts -nonewline $wc {# Part of usb-modeswitch-data, version }
36 puts $wc $version
37 puts $wc {#
38 # Recommended use with USB_ModeSwitch >= 1.2.5, works with versions >= 1.0.3
39 # (New style, interface class check moved to dispatcher)
41 ACTION!="add|change", GOTO="modeswitch_rules_end"
43 # Adds a symlink "gsmmodem[n]" to the lowest ttyUSB port with interrupt
44 # transfer; checked against a list of known modems, or else no action
45 KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{bNumConfigurations}=="*", PROGRAM="usb_modeswitch --symlink-name %p %s{idVendor} %s{idProduct} %E{PRODUCT}", SYMLINK+="%c"
47 SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="modeswitch_rules_end"
49 # Adds the device ID to the "option" driver after a warm boot
50 # in cases when the device is yet unknown to the driver; checked
51 # against a list of known modems, or else no action
52 ATTR{bInterfaceClass}=="ff", ATTR{bInterfaceNumber}=="00", ATTRS{bNumConfigurations}=="*", RUN+="usb_modeswitch --driver-bind %p %s{idVendor} %s{idProduct} %E{PRODUCT}"
55 # Don't continue on "change" event, prevent trigger by changed configuration
56 ACTION!="add", GOTO="modeswitch_rules_end"
59 set vendorList ""
60 set dvid ""
62 foreach idfile $filelist {
63 if {![regexp -nocase {./([0-9A-F]{4}:[0-9A-F]{4})} $idfile d id]} {continue}
64 if [info exists entry($id)] {
65 append entry($id) ", "
67 set rc [open $idfile r]
68 set buffer [read $rc]
69 close $rc
70 foreach line [split $buffer \n] {
71 set comment {}
72 regexp {# (.*)} $line d comment
73 if {[string length $comment] > 0} {
74 append entry($id) [string trim $comment]
75 break
79 foreach id_entry [lsort [array names entry]] {
80 set id [split $id_entry :]
81 set rule [regsub {\+##\+} $template [lindex $id 0]]
82 set rule [regsub {#\+\+#} $rule [lindex $id 1]]
83 puts $wc "\n# $entry($id_entry)\n$rule"
86 puts $wc {
87 LABEL="modeswitch_rules_end"}
88 close $wc