Correct PPTP server firewall rules chain.
[tomato/davidwu.git] / release / src / router / vsftpd / AUDIT
1 This file contains information on the audit status of the code in this program.
2 Each file has an audit code of between 1 and 5, ranging from 1 being unaudited
3 and 5 being heavily audited by multiple competent people.
5 The important rule is that when a file is changed, the audit status goes back
6 to 1, _unless_ the change(s) are audited very carefully as they go in.
8 access.c                     2
9 ascii.c                      3
10 banner.c                     2
11 dirchange.c                  3
12 filestr.c                    3
13 ftpcmdio.c                   3
14 ftpdataio.c                  2
15 hash.c                       1
16 ipaddrparse.c                1
17 logging.c                    3
18 ls.c                         2
19 main.c                       3
20 netstr.c                     3
21 oneprocess.c                 3
22 parseconf.c                  2
23 postlogin.c                  2
24 postprivparent.c             3
25 prelogin.c                   3
26 privops.c                    2
27 privparent.c                 3
28 privsock.c                   3
29 secbuf.c                     3
30 secutil.c                    3
31 ssl.c                        1
32 standalone.c                 1
33 str.c                        2
34 strlist.c                    2
35 sysdeputil.c                 2
36 sysstr.c                     3
37 sysutil.c                    2
38 tunables.c                   3
39 twoprocess.c                 2
40 utility.c                    3