Correct PPTP server firewall rules chain.
[tomato/davidwu.git] / release / src / router / vsftpd / tunables.h
1 #ifndef VSF_TUNABLES_H
2 #define VSF_TUNABLES_H
4 /* tunables_load_defaults()
6 * Load the default values into the global settings variables.
7 */
8 void tunables_load_defaults();
10 /* Configurable preferences */
11 /* Booleans */
12 extern int tunable_anonymous_enable; /* Allow anon logins */
13 extern int tunable_local_enable; /* Allow local logins */
14 extern int tunable_pasv_enable; /* Allow PASV */
15 extern int tunable_port_enable; /* Allow PORT */
16 extern int tunable_chroot_local_user; /* Restrict local to home dir */
17 extern int tunable_write_enable; /* Global enable writes */
18 extern int tunable_anon_upload_enable; /* Enable STOR for anon users */
19 extern int tunable_anon_mkdir_write_enable; /* MKD for anon */
20 extern int tunable_anon_other_write_enable; /* APPE DELE RMD RNFR for anon */
21 extern int tunable_anon_allow_writable_root; /* allow writable / for anon */
22 extern int tunable_chown_uploads; /* chown() anon uploaded files */
23 extern int tunable_connect_from_port_20; /* PORT connects from port 20 */
24 extern int tunable_xferlog_enable; /* Log transfers to a file */
25 extern int tunable_dirmessage_enable; /* Look for + output .message */
26 extern int tunable_anon_world_readable_only; /* Only serve world readable */
27 extern int tunable_async_abor_enable; /* Enable async ABOR requests */
28 extern int tunable_ascii_upload_enable; /* Permit ASCII upload */
29 extern int tunable_ascii_download_enable; /* Permit ASCII download */
30 extern int tunable_one_process_model; /* Go faster stripes ;-) */
31 extern int tunable_xferlog_std_format; /* Log details like wu-ftpd */
32 extern int tunable_pasv_promiscuous; /* Allow any PASV connect IP */
33 extern int tunable_deny_email_enable; /* Ban a list of anon e-mails */
34 extern int tunable_chroot_list_enable; /* chroot() based on list file */
35 extern int tunable_setproctitle_enable; /* Try to use setproctitle() */
36 extern int tunable_text_userdb_names; /* For "ls", lookup text names */
37 extern int tunable_ls_recurse_enable; /* Allow ls -R */
38 extern int tunable_log_ftp_protocol; /* Log FTP requests/responses */
39 extern int tunable_guest_enable; /* Remap guest users */
40 extern int tunable_userlist_enable; /* Explicit user allow or deny */
41 extern int tunable_userlist_deny; /* Is user list allow or deny? */
42 extern int tunable_use_localtime; /* Use local time or GMT? */
43 extern int tunable_check_shell; /* Use /etc/shells for non-PAM */
44 extern int tunable_hide_ids; /* Show "ftp" in ls listings */
45 extern int tunable_listen; /* Standalone (no inetd) mode? */
46 extern int tunable_port_promiscuous; /* Any any PORT connect IP */
47 extern int tunable_passwd_chroot_enable; /* chroot() based on passwd */
48 extern int tunable_no_anon_password; /* Do not ask for anon pword */
49 extern int tunable_tcp_wrappers; /* Standalone: do tcp wrappers */
50 extern int tunable_use_sendfile; /* Use sendfile() if we can */
51 extern int tunable_force_dot_files; /* Show dotfiles without -a */
52 extern int tunable_listen_ipv6; /* Standalone with IPv6 listen */
53 extern int tunable_dual_log_enable; /* Log vsftpd.log AND xferlog */
54 extern int tunable_syslog_enable; /* Use syslog not vsftpd.log */
55 extern int tunable_background; /* Background listener process */
56 extern int tunable_virtual_use_local_privs; /* Virtual user => local privs */
57 extern int tunable_session_support; /* utmp, wtmp, pam_session */
58 extern int tunable_download_enable; /* Can download anything? */
59 extern int tunable_dirlist_enable; /* Can see any dirs? */
60 extern int tunable_chmod_enable; /* Is CHMOD allowed? (local) */
61 extern int tunable_secure_email_list_enable; /* Require specific anon email */
62 extern int tunable_run_as_launching_user; /* Runs as launching user */
63 extern int tunable_no_log_lock; /* Don't lock log files */
64 extern int tunable_ssl_enable; /* Allow SSL/TLS AUTH */
65 extern int tunable_allow_anon_ssl; /* Allow anonymous use of SSL */
66 extern int tunable_force_local_logins_ssl; /* Require local logins use SSL */
67 extern int tunable_force_local_data_ssl; /* Require local data uses SSL */
68 extern int tunable_sslv2; /* Allow SSLv2 */
69 extern int tunable_sslv3; /* Allow SSLv3 */
70 extern int tunable_tlsv1; /* Allow TLSv1 */
71 extern int tunable_tilde_user_enable; /* Support e.g. ~chris */
72 extern int tunable_force_anon_logins_ssl; /* Require anon logins use SSL */
73 extern int tunable_force_anon_data_ssl; /* Require anon data uses SSL */
74 extern int tunable_mdtm_write; /* Allow MDTM to set timestamps */
75 extern int tunable_lock_upload_files; /* Lock uploading files */
76 extern int tunable_pasv_addr_resolve; /* DNS resolve pasv_addr */
77 extern int tunable_utf8; /* Report UTF8 support */
78 extern int tunable_debug_ssl; /* Verbose SSL logging */
79 extern int tunable_require_cert; /* SSL client cert required */
80 extern int tunable_validate_cert; /* SSL certs must be valid */
81 extern int tunable_strict_ssl_read_eof; /* Need SSL_shutdown() on read */
82 extern int tunable_strict_ssl_write_shutdown; /* Need SSL_shutdown() on write */
83 extern int tunable_ssl_request_cert; /* Ask client for cert */
84 extern int tunable_delete_failed_uploads; /* Delete an upload that failed */
85 extern int tunable_implicit_ssl; /* Use implicit SSL protocol */
86 extern int tunable_sandbox; /* Deploy ptrace sandbox */
87 extern int tunable_require_ssl_reuse; /* Require re-used data conn */
88 extern int tunable_isolate; /* Use container clone() flags */
89 extern int tunable_isolate_network; /* Use CLONE_NEWNET */
90 extern int tunable_ftp_enable; /* Allow FTP protocol */
91 extern int tunable_http_enable; /* Allow HTTP protocol */
93 /* Integer/numeric defines */
94 extern unsigned int tunable_accept_timeout;
95 extern unsigned int tunable_connect_timeout;
96 extern unsigned int tunable_local_umask;
97 extern unsigned int tunable_anon_umask;
98 extern unsigned int tunable_ftp_data_port;
99 extern unsigned int tunable_idle_session_timeout;
100 extern unsigned int tunable_data_connection_timeout;
101 extern unsigned int tunable_pasv_min_port;
102 extern unsigned int tunable_pasv_max_port;
103 extern unsigned int tunable_anon_max_rate;
104 extern unsigned int tunable_local_max_rate;
105 extern unsigned int tunable_listen_port;
106 extern unsigned int tunable_max_clients;
107 extern unsigned int tunable_file_open_mode;
108 extern unsigned int tunable_max_per_ip;
109 extern unsigned int tunable_trans_chunk_size;
110 extern unsigned int tunable_delay_failed_login;
111 extern unsigned int tunable_delay_successful_login;
112 extern unsigned int tunable_max_login_fails;
113 extern unsigned int tunable_chown_upload_mode;
115 /* String defines */
116 extern const char* tunable_secure_chroot_dir;
117 extern const char* tunable_ftp_username;
118 extern const char* tunable_chown_username;
119 extern const char* tunable_xferlog_file;
120 extern const char* tunable_vsftpd_log_file;
121 extern const char* tunable_message_file;
122 extern const char* tunable_nopriv_user;
123 extern const char* tunable_ftpd_banner;
124 extern const char* tunable_banned_email_file;
125 extern const char* tunable_chroot_list_file;
126 extern const char* tunable_pam_service_name;
127 extern const char* tunable_guest_username;
128 extern const char* tunable_userlist_file;
129 extern const char* tunable_anon_root;
130 extern const char* tunable_local_root;
131 extern const char* tunable_banner_file;
132 extern const char* tunable_pasv_address;
133 extern const char* tunable_listen_address;
134 extern const char* tunable_user_config_dir;
135 extern const char* tunable_listen_address6;
136 extern const char* tunable_cmds_allowed;
137 extern const char* tunable_hide_file;
138 extern const char* tunable_deny_file;
139 extern const char* tunable_user_sub_token;
140 extern const char* tunable_email_password_file;
141 extern const char* tunable_rsa_cert_file;
142 extern const char* tunable_dsa_cert_file;
143 extern const char* tunable_ssl_ciphers;
144 extern const char* tunable_rsa_private_key_file;
145 extern const char* tunable_dsa_private_key_file;
146 extern const char* tunable_ca_certs_file;
147 extern const char* tunable_cmds_denied;
148 extern const char* tunable_passwd_file;
150 #endif /* VSF_TUNABLES_H */