Versione finale relazione
[toni-reis.git] / src / monitor.adb
1 with Gtk; use Gtk;
2 with Gtk.Main; use Gtk.Main;
3 with Gdk.Threads;
4 with Simulator.Monitor.Gui; use Simulator.Monitor.Gui;
6 procedure Monitor is
7 Monitor : Monitor_Access;
8 begin
9 Gdk.Threads.G_Init;
10 Gdk.Threads.Init;
11 Gtk.Main.Init;
12 Gtk_New (Monitor);
13 Show_All (Monitor);
15 Simulator.Monitor.Init;
17 Gdk.Threads.Enter;
18 Gtk.Main.Main;
19 Gdk.Threads.Leave;
22 end Monitor;