1 What fraction of our bridges are not reporting usage statistics?
2 ================================================================
6 1. Put metrics tarballs into a directory called in/. The best parsing
7 performance can be achieved by decompressing tarballs without
8 extracting them. The bridge-descriptors-* and consensuses-* tarballs
9 are required for this analysis.
11 2. Clone metrics-lib.git, build descriptor.jar, and put it in this
14 3. Download Apache Commons Codec and Compress and put the .jar files in
17 4. Parse descriptors and write all relevant parts to one file per bridge:
19 -cp commons-codec-1.4.jar:commons-compress-1.3.jar:descriptor.jar
20 ExtractDescriptorParts.java
22 -cp commons-codec-1.4.jar:commons-compress-1.3.jar:descriptor.jar:.
23 ExtractDescriptorParts
25 5. Analyze descriptors parts bridge by bridge and determine whether it
26 reported bridge stats at a given time, and if not, find out why not:
27 $ javac AnalyzeDescriptorParts.java
28 $ java AnalyzeDescriptorParts
30 6. Aggregate daily statistics that can be plotted:
31 $ javac AggregateStats.java