1 Tor Browser Bundle for Windows (beta)
7 Vidalia 0.2.21 (with Qt 4.8.1)
8 Tor (with libevent-2.0.21-stable, zlib-1.2.8 and openssl-1.0.0k)
12 |_ HTTPS-Everywhere 3.4.3
17 Tor Browser.exe is a 7zip self extracting archive. To extract the bundle, run
18 this and point it to the install location. It will create a folder called "Tor
19 Browser". This may be the hard disk, but is more likely the currently mounted
20 USB drive. The install process needs only be performed once.
22 Once the bundle is extracted, open the newly created folder and click
23 "Start Tor Browser.bat" (may appear as simply "Start Tor Browser").
24 This will start Vidalia. Once Tor has successfully opened a circuit,
25 Firefox will automatically be opened.
27 To exit, close Firefox. Vidalia will automatically clean up and exit.