Bug 25702: Update Tor Browser icon to follow design guidelines
[torbutton.git] / makexpi.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 APP_NAME=torbutton
3 #VERSION=`grep em:version src/install.rdf | sed -e 's/["]//g' | cut -f2 -d=`
4 XPI_NAME="$APP_NAME-`grep em:version src/install.rdf | sed -e 's/[<>]/ /g' | cut -f3`.xpi"
6 if [ -e "pkg/$XPI_NAME" ]; then
7 echo pkg/$XPI_NAME already exists.
8 rm pkg/$XPI_NAME # meh.
9 # exit 1
12 # create jar file (we're just storing files here)
13 echo ---------- create $APP_NAME.jar file ----------
14 cd src/chrome
15 #zip -r0 ../../$APP_NAME.jar ./ -x "*.svn/*"
16 cd ../..
18 # create .xpi
19 echo ---------- create $APP_NAME.xpi ----------
20 # create the pkg directory if it doesn't exist yet
21 mkdir -p pkg
22 cd src
23 echo zip -X -9r ../pkg/$XPI_NAME ./ -x "chrome/*" -x "*.diff" -x "*.svn/*"
24 zip -X -9r ../pkg/$XPI_NAME ./ -x "*.svn/*" -x "*.diff" #-x "chrome/*"
25 #mv ../$APP_NAME.jar ./chrome
26 #zip -9m ../pkg/$XPI_NAME chrome/$APP_NAME.jar
27 cd ..
29 #cp ./pkg/$XPI_NAME ~/
30 #zip -9m ../../downloads/$sXpiName chrome/$APP_NAME.jar
31 #zip -9 ../../downloads/$sXpiName install.rdf
32 #cd ..