Bug 26962: Circuit display onboarding (part 2).
[torbutton.git] / src / chrome / locale / en / aboutTBUpdate.dtd
1 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.title "Tor Browser Update">
2 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.updated "Tor Browser has been updated.">
3 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.linkPrefix "For the most up-to-date information about this release, ">
4 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.linkLabel "visit our website">
5 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.linkSuffix ".">
6 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.changeLogHeading "Changelog:">
8 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.circuitDisplayHeading "New, Redesigned Circuit Display">
9 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.circuitDisplayDescription "The Tor circuit display has been relocated and improved! Click the Site&#160;Identity button (located on the left side of the URL bar) to see the new circuit display.">
10 <!ENTITY aboutTBUpdate.learnMore "Learn More">