5 tourist.boot.node = localhost:2000
7 # boot.role controls the behaviour of a node when it comes to
8 # bootstrapping itself or others. If the role value is '1' then
9 # this node won't initiate a bootstrap process for itself but
10 # will be available for other nodes to help in bootstrap process.
11 # This option is useful to setup some known nodes for assisting others
12 # in bootstrap process.
13 # The value of '2' is dual mode in which a node will bootstrap itself
14 # and after that will switch to '1' mode. If the value is set to '3'
15 # the node will only bootstrap itself but won't service any other node.
20 tourist.transport.tcp = 1
21 tourist.transport.tcp.port = 2020
22 tourist.tranposrt.rudp = 1
23 tourist.transport.rudp = 20001
26 tourist.network.bwThreshold = 20
29 tourist.remotelog.isEnable = 0
30 tourist.remotelog.server = localhost:1234
33 tourist.apmon.isEnable = false