1 Here's a list of things we need to do (contributions welcome and highly
4 1) Last steps of porting McEliece cryptosystem.
5 2) Cleanup and refactor the code and build system to make it more maintainable!
6 3) Implement test cases with libtap (src/test/). Make the output readable
7 (currently cmake hides it all).
8 4) Add missing feistel cipher into McEliece.
9 5) Include McEliece into transsip, add key generation, import, export.
10 6) Test encrypted IPv4/IPv6 calls.
11 7) Include a useful configure file (flex, bison) and use it from transsip.
12 8) Add Kademlia DHT support (IPv4/IPv6) for transsip, so that users can
13 choose between IP-to-IP calls or whether they want to call users from a DHT.
14 9) DHT contact details must be encrypted by McEliece as well.
15 10) There shall not be one single DHT, but rather transsip shall provide tools
16 for creating your own Kademlia overlay (/distributed/ p2p network). (Thus,
17 censors must cope with dynamic, multiple networks instead of just one.)
18 11) Obfuscate used protocols to make it hard/resource-intensive for DPI's
20 12) Add new tool openngtn for building fully encrypted and decentralized SIP
21 networks, so that it can be used with hardware phones (e.g. those of Cisco).
22 13) Add group telephony / conference call support.
23 14) Test NAT traversal and fix it properly if necessary.
24 15) Optimize performance of the toolkit when possible ``weak'' code locations.
25 16) Switch to DCCP instead of UDP.