Update test to work around SBCL cleverness (thanks to Patrick Stein)
[trivial-backtrace.git] / dev / map-backtrace.lisp
1 (in-package #:trivial-backtrace)
3 (defstruct frame
4 func
5 source-filename
6 source-pos
7 vars)
9 (defstruct var
10 name
11 value)
13 (defstruct pos-form-number
14 number)
16 (defmethod print-object ((pos-form-number pos-form-number) stream)
17 (cond
18 (*print-readably* (call-next-method))
20 (format stream "f~A" (pos-form-number-number pos-form-number)))))
23 (defvar *trivial-backtrace-frame-print-specials*
24 '((*print-length* . 100)
25 (*print-level* . 20)
26 (*print-lines* . 5)
27 (*print-pretty* . t)
28 (*print-readably* . nil)))
30 (defun print-frame (frame stream)
31 (format stream "~A:~@[~A:~] ~A: ~%"
32 (or (ignore-errors (translate-logical-pathname (frame-source-filename frame))) (frame-source-filename frame) "<unknown>")
33 (frame-source-pos frame)
34 (frame-func frame))
35 (loop for var in (frame-vars frame)
36 do
37 (format stream " ~A = ~A~%" (var-name var)
38 (or (ignore-errors
39 (progv
40 (mapcar #'car *trivial-backtrace-frame-print-specials*)
41 (mapcar #'cdr *trivial-backtrace-frame-print-specials*)
42 (prin1-to-string
43 (var-value var))))
44 "<error>"))))
46 (defun map-backtrace (function)
47 (impl-map-backtrace function))
49 (defun print-map-backtrace (&optional (stream *debug-io*) &rest args)
50 (apply 'map-backtrace
51 (lambda (frame)
52 (print-frame frame stream)) args))
54 (defun backtrace-string (&rest args)
55 (with-output-to-string (stream)
56 (apply 'print-map-backtrace stream args)))
59 #+ccl
60 (defun impl-map-backtrace (func)
61 (ccl::map-call-frames (lambda (ptr)
62 (multiple-value-bind (lfun pc)
63 (ccl::cfp-lfun ptr)
64 (let ((source-note (ccl:function-source-note lfun)))
65 (funcall func
66 (make-frame :func (ccl::lfun-name lfun)
67 :source-filename (ccl:source-note-filename source-note)
68 :source-pos (let ((form-number (ccl:source-note-start-pos source-note)))
69 (when form-number (make-pos-form-number :number form-number)))
70 :vars (loop for (name . value) in (ccl::arguments-and-locals nil ptr lfun pc)
71 collect (make-var :name name :value value)))))))))
73 #+sbcl
74 (defun impl-map-backtrace (func)
75 (loop for f = (or sb-debug:*stack-top-hint* (sb-di:top-frame)) then (sb-di:frame-down f)
76 while f
77 do (funcall func
78 (make-frame :func
79 (ignore-errors
80 (sb-di:debug-fun-name
81 (sb-di:frame-debug-fun f)))
82 :source-filename
83 (ignore-errors
84 (sb-di:debug-source-namestring (sb-di:code-location-debug-source (sb-di:frame-code-location f))))
85 :source-pos
86 (ignore-errors ;;; XXX does not work
87 (let ((cloc (sb-di:frame-code-location f)))
88 (unless (sb-di:code-location-unknown-p cloc)
89 (format nil "tlf~Dfn~D"
90 (sb-di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset cloc)
91 (sb-di:code-location-form-number cloc)))))
92 :vars
93 (remove-if 'not
94 (map 'list (lambda(v)
95 (ignore-errors
96 (when (eq :valid
97 (sb-di:debug-var-validity v (sb-di:frame-code-location f)))
98 (make-var :name (sb-di:debug-var-symbol v)
99 :value (sb-di:debug-var-value v f)))))
100 (ignore-errors (sb-di::debug-fun-debug-vars (sb-di:frame-debug-fun f)))))))))
102 #-(or ccl sbcl)
103 (defun impl-map-backtrace (func)
104 (declare (ignore func))
105 (warn "unable to map backtrace for ~a" (lisp-implementation-type)))