2 datadir data/ # Folder in which Tpkg files are kept
3 basetpkg yumetsuki.tpkg # The main Tpkg file for this game
5 [network] # You should not need to change these to play Yume Tsuki.
6 serverhost omegadev.org # Address of Tsunagari server
7 serverport 18597 # Tsunagari server port
8 repobase ftp://ftp.omegadev.org/tsunagari/repo/yumetsuki/ # Tsunagari update repository base URL
11 fullscreen no # Fullscreen?
12 width 800 # Window Width
13 height 600 # Window Height
15 [gui] # CEGui Settings
16 guidir data/gui/ # Folder in which CEGui data is kept.