2 using System.Drawing;
3 using System.Windows.Forms;
4 using System.Globalization;
9 /// Summary description for Player.
14 private Point location;
15 private double bank;
16 private string backgroundImage;
17 private Strategy plyrStrategy;
18 private CountMethod plyrMethod;
19 private int currentHandIndex = 0;
20 private NumericUpDown plyrBet;
21 private Hand[] hands;
22 private int numberOfHands = 1;
23 private playerType plyrType;
25 public enum LabelType
33 public enum playerType
39 public Player( Point pntlocation, string imageFile, double dblBank, NumericUpDown betControl, playerType type, Strategy strategy, CountMethod method )
41 // Since the game is limited to one split (two hands), just set them up now
42 hands = new Hand[2];
43 hands[0] = new Hand(new Point(0,0));
44 hands[1] = new Hand(new Point(50,0));
46 // Player specific variables
47 location = pntlocation;
48 backgroundImage = imageFile;
50 plyrStrategy = strategy;
51 plyrMethod = method;
53 plyrBet = betControl;
55 // Start out with one hand, they may split pairs to get two
63 // When we destroy the player object, get rid of the betting control too
64 // But first make it invisible in case the garbage collector is slow.
65 plyrBet.Visible = false;
72 public void MoveControls( float scaleX, float scaleY )
74 plyrBet.Left = (int)((location.X +110)* scaleX);
75 plyrBet.Top = (int)((location.Y-20) * scaleY);
78 public void DrawBackground( Graphics drawingSurface, Card dealerCard )
80 // Draw different colored backgrounds to match the advice
81 switch( GetAdvice(dealerCard) )
83 case Strategy.AdviceType.Hit:
84 drawingSurface.DrawImage( Resources.GetImage(backgroundImage + "_hit"), location);
86 case Strategy.AdviceType.Stand:
87 drawingSurface.DrawImage( Resources.GetImage(backgroundImage + "_stand"), location);
89 case Strategy.AdviceType.Split:
90 drawingSurface.DrawImage( Resources.GetImage(backgroundImage + "_split"), location);
92 case Strategy.AdviceType.DoubleDown:
93 drawingSurface.DrawImage( Resources.GetImage(backgroundImage + "_ddown"), location);
95 case Strategy.AdviceType.None:
96 drawingSurface.DrawImage( Resources.GetImage(backgroundImage + "_noadvice"), location);
103 public Hand[] GetHands()
108 public int NumberOfHands
110 get{ return numberOfHands; }
113 public Hand CurrentHand
115 // This is just a shortcut to get to the current hand being played
116 get{ return hands[currentHandIndex]; }
119 public void Won( Hand hand )
121 // Since the bet is taken from the bank at the beginning of play,
122 // give back twice as much on a win.
123 bank += hand.Wager * 2;
126 public void Blackjack( Hand hand )
128 // Since the bet is taken from the bank at the beginning of play,
129 // give it back plus 1.5 times the wager.
130 bank += hand.Wager + hand.Wager * 1.5;
133 public void Push( Hand hand )
135 // Since the bet is taken from the bank at the beginning of play,
136 // give it back on a push.
137 bank += hand.Wager;
140 public void Reset()
142 // This method is called at the beginning of a new hand.
143 hands = new Hand[2];
144 hands[0] = new Hand(new Point(0,0));
145 hands[1] = new Hand(new Point(50,0));
147 // Take away the betting control during play
148 plyrBet.Visible = false;
150 // Reset variables that keep track of play
152 currentHandIndex = 0;
155 public void GetWager()
157 // Reset the wager to match what the user entered.
158 if( plyrType == playerType.computer && plyrMethod != null )
159 hands[0].Wager = plyrMethod.GetWager( (double)plyrBet.Value );
161 hands[0].Wager = (double)plyrBet.Value;
163 // Reduce the bank up front
164 bank -= hands[0].Wager;
167 public bool DoubleDown( Hand hand )
169 // This method determines whether a double-down is possible and,
170 // if so, doubling the bet.
171 int handTotal = hand.Total();
173 if(((handTotal >=7 && handTotal <=11) || hand.IsSoft) && hand.Count == 2 )
176 bank -= hand.Wager;
181 // Mark the hand as doubled so the last card is drawn at an angle
182 hand.Doubled = true;
184 // Tell the form that we doubled. The form then moves on to the next player.
190 public bool Split()
192 // This method determines if a split is possible and,
193 // if so, create the new hand and double the bet
194 if( hands[0].Count == 2 && numberOfHands == 1 )
196 if( hands[0][0].FaceValue == hands[0][1].FaceValue )
198 // Move the first hand to the left 50 pixels.
199 hands[0].HandLocation = new Point(hands[0].HandLocation.X - 50, hands[0].HandLocation.Y);
200 // Put the second card of the first hand into the first card of the second hand
201 hands[1].Add(hands[0][1]);
202 // Remove the card from the first hand
203 hands[0].RemoveAt( hands[0].Count );
204 // Make the second hand's wager equal to the first
205 hands[1].Wager = hands[0].Wager;
206 // Decrement the bank accordingly
207 bank -= hands[1].Wager;
208 // increase the number of hands
210 // Tell the form that the split was successful
217 public void NextHand()
219 // This is just a shortcut to incrementing the hand index
220 currentHandIndex++;
223 public bool LastHand()
225 // This is a convenient way to determine if the player has any more
226 // hands to draw to.
227 return currentHandIndex + 1 == numberOfHands;
230 public double TotalWager()
232 // The total wager for the player is the sum of all the hand's wagers
235 foreach( Hand hand in hands )
237 wager += hand.Wager;
243 public CountMethod Method
245 get{ return plyrMethod; }
246 set{ plyrMethod = (CountMethod)value; }
249 public Strategy CardStrategy
251 get{ return plyrStrategy; }
252 set{ plyrStrategy = (Strategy)value; }
255 public playerType Type
257 get{ return plyrType; }
258 set{ plyrType = value; }
261 public NumericUpDown Bet
263 get{ return plyrBet; }
266 public void DrawHands(Graphics drawingSurface, Player.LabelType labelType, Hand dealerHand, bool currentPlayer)
268 // This routine is responsible for drawing the player's cards and the appropriate label
269 foreach( Hand hand in hands )
271 // Increment the drawing position
272 int x = location.X + hand.HandLocation.X;
273 int y = location.Y + hand.HandLocation.Y;
275 // Make sure there are cards in the hand to draw.
276 if( hand.Count > 0 )
278 // Draw the appropriate label type in the upper left corner
279 switch( labelType )
281 case LabelType.none:
283 case LabelType.bothHands:
284 drawingSurface.DrawString( hand.Label(numberOfHands==1), new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow), x-10, y-20 );
286 case LabelType.drawToHand:
287 if( hand == CurrentHand || !currentPlayer )
288 drawingSurface.DrawString( hand.Label(numberOfHands==1), new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow), x-10, y-20 );
290 case LabelType.outcome:
291 switch( hand.Outcome( dealerHand, numberOfHands ))
293 case Hand.OutcomeType.Won:
294 case Hand.OutcomeType.Blackjack:
295 drawingSurface.DrawString("WON", new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.LimeGreen), x-10, y-20 );
297 case Hand.OutcomeType.Lost:
298 drawingSurface.DrawString("LOST", new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.Crimson), x-10, y-20 );
300 case Hand.OutcomeType.Push:
301 drawingSurface.DrawString("PUSH", new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow), x-10, y-20 );
307 // Increment the drawing position
308 x += (int)Card.cardSpacing.Width;
309 y += (int)Card.cardSpacing.Height;
312 int cardNumber = 0;
313 foreach( Card card in hand )
318 card.Draw( drawingSurface, new Point(x, y), true, currentPlayer && hand!=CurrentHand, hand.Doubled && cardNumber==3 );
319 x += (int)Card.cardSpacing.Width;
320 y += (int)Card.cardSpacing.Height;
327 drawingSurface.DrawString( "$" + TotalWager().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkKhaki), location.X+110, location.Y-20 );
330 drawingSurface.DrawString( "$" + bank.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkKhaki), location.X+130, location.Y );
332 // Draw the running card count
333 if( plyrMethod != null )
335 //drawingSurface.DrawString( plyrMethod.MethodName, new Font("Arial",6,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkKhaki), location.X+140, location.Y+20 );
336 drawingSurface.DrawString( plyrMethod.GetWager((double)plyrBet.Value).ToString("F0"), new Font("Arial",6,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkKhaki), location.X+140, location.Y+20 );
337 drawingSurface.DrawString( plyrMethod.Count.ToString("F1",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), new Font("Arial",6,FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkKhaki), location.X+145, location.Y+40 );
342 public Strategy.AdviceType GetAdvice( Card dealerCard )
344 // Get the advice for this player's chosen strategy
345 return hands[currentHandIndex].GetAdvice( dealerCard, plyrStrategy, !(numberOfHands == 2), plyrMethod!=null ? plyrMethod.Count : 0 );
348 public void ResetCount( int decks )
350 if( plyrMethod != null )
351 plyrMethod.Reset( decks );
354 public void CountCard( Card newCard )
356 if( plyrMethod != null )
357 plyrMethod.CountCard( newCard );