3 | |_ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___| / /___
4 | __| | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ | ___ \
5 | |_| |_| | | | | | | | __/ | \_/ |
6 \__|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_\_____/
8 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
10 Tunnel6 server require gcc and make package.
11 Optionally you can install Tunnel6 server with MySQL database support.
12 All dependencies are mostly included in distributions by default.
14 Installation process (with DB as file):
16 1. Open terminal (console)
17 2. Login as root with command "su" or use "sudo " at start of each line.
18 3. Go to directory 'src' in server package: cd src
19 4. Compile source code: make
20 5. Install tunnel6 server: make install
21 6. Edit interface, ipv6 and port for listening in /etc/tunnel6/server.conf file: nano /etc/tunnel6/server.conf
22 7. Add database record for new client with command: t6_server -A loginname password ipv6address
23 Alternatively you could edit DB file manually in /etc/tunnel6/db.conf (pwd is encrypted with base64)
24 8. Start server with command: t6_server
26 Port is used by default UDP 6060.
27 You can reconfigure default values via command-line parameters,
32 -f pidfile : specify pid file
33 -p port : specify listening port
34 -i interface : specify interface
35 -l stdout : remap stdout to specified file
36 -a ipv6 : specify listening address
37 -A name password ipv6 [routedprefix/len] : add DB record
38 -U name p;i;r value : update DB record
39 -G name : show DB record
42 t6_server -i eth0 -p 6060
44 t6_server -U name p NEWPASSWORD
45 t6_server -U name i NEWIPV6
46 t6_server -U name r NEWPREFIX/LEN
49 Default PID file is by default in /var/run/t6_server.pid file
50 Editor nano is used here as example, you can use your preffered app for editing config files
54 Installation process (with DB as MySQL):
56 1. Open terminal (console)
57 2. Login as root with command "su" or use "sudo " at start of each line.
58 3. Go to directory 'src' in server package: cd src
59 4. Compile source code: WITH_MYSQL=1 make
60 5. Install tunnel6 server: make install
61 6. Edit interface, ipv6 and port for listening in /etc/tunnel6/server.conf file: nano /etc/tunnel6/server.conf
62 Change backend variable to "mysql", set correct MySQL host, user, pwd and db.
63 7. Start in terminal: mysqladmin --user=USER --password=PASSWORD create tunnel6
64 Command above should create new database "tunnel6", please rewrite USER and PASSWORD with
65 correct values for your MySQL server.
66 8. Add database record for new client with command: t6_server -A loginname password ipv6address
67 Alternatively you could edit DB manually with e.g. phpmyadmin (pwd is encrypted with base64)
68 9. Start server with command: t6_server