fixed a rcon authentication issue
[twcon.git] / scripts /
1 import os, re, sys
3 alphanum = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyxABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"
4 cpp_keywords = ["auto", "const", "double", "float", "int", "short", "struct", "unsigned", # C
5 "break", "continue", "else", "for", "long", "signed", "switch", "void",
6 "case", "default", "enum", "goto", "register", "sizeof", "typedef", "volatile",
7 "char", "do", "extern", "if", "return", "static", "union", "while",
9 "asm", "dynamic_cast", "namespace", "reinterpret_cast", "try", # C++
10 "bool", "explicit", "new", "static_cast", "typeid",
11 "catch", "false", "operator", "template", "typename",
12 "class", "friend", "private", "this", "using",
13 "const_cast", "inline", "public", "throw", "virtual",
14 "delete", "mutable", "protected", "true", "wchar_t"]
16 allowed_words = []
18 #allowed_words += ["bitmap_left", "advance", "glyph"] # ft2
21 allowed_words += ["qsort"] # stdio / stdlib
22 allowed_words += ["size_t", "cosf", "sinf", "asinf", "acosf", "atanf", "powf", "fabs", "rand", "powf", "fmod", "sqrtf"] # math.h
23 allowed_words += ["time_t", "time", "strftime", "localtime"] # time.h
24 allowed_words += [ # system.h
25 "int64",
26 "dbg_assert", "dbg_msg", "dbg_break", "dbg_logger_stdout", "dbg_logger_debugger", "dbg_logger_file",
27 "mem_alloc", "mem_zero", "mem_free", "mem_copy", "mem_move", "mem_comp", "mem_stats", "total_allocations", "allocated",
28 "thread_create", "thread_sleep", "lock_wait", "lock_create", "lock_release", "lock_destroy", "swap_endian",
29 "io_open", "io_read", "io_read", "io_write", "io_flush", "io_close", "io_seek", "io_skip", "io_tell", "io_length",
30 "str_comp", "str_length", "str_quickhash", "str_format", "str_copy", "str_comp_nocase", "str_sanitize", "str_append",
31 "str_comp_num", "str_find_nocase", "str_sanitize_strong", "str_uppercase", "str_toint", "str_tofloat",
32 "str_utf8_encode", "str_utf8_rewind", "str_utf8_forward", "str_utf8_decode", "str_sanitize_cc", "str_skip_whitespaces",
33 "fs_makedir", "fs_listdir", "fs_storage_path", "fs_is_dir",
34 "net_init", "net_addr_comp", "net_host_lookup", "net_addr_str", "type", "port", "net_addr_from_str",
35 "net_udp_create", "net_udp_send", "net_udp_recv", "net_udp_close", "net_socket_read_wait",
36 "net_stats", "sent_bytes", "recv_bytes", "recv_packets", "sent_packets",
37 "time_get", "time_freq", "time_timestamp"]
39 allowed_words += ["vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "round", "clamp", "length", "dot", "normalize", "frandom", "mix", "distance", "min",
40 "closest_point_on_line", "max", "absolute"] # math.hpp
41 allowed_words += [ # tl
42 "array", "sorted_array", "string",
43 "all", "sort", "add", "remove_index", "remove", "delete_all", "set_size",
44 "base_ptr", "size", "swap", "empty", "front", "pop_front", "find_binary", "find_linear", "clear", "range", "end", "cstr",
45 "partition_linear", "partition_binary"]
46 allowed_words += ["fx2f", "f2fx"] # fixed point math
48 def CheckIdentifier(ident):
49 return False
51 class Checker:
52 def CheckStart(self, checker, filename):
53 pass
54 def CheckLine(self, checker, line):
55 pass
56 def CheckEnd(self, checker):
57 pass
59 class FilenameExtentionChecker(Checker):
60 def __init__(self):
61 self.allowed = [".cpp", ".h"]
62 def CheckStart(self, checker, filename):
63 ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
64 if not ext in self.allowed:
65 checker.Error("file extention '%s' is not allowed" % ext)
67 class IncludeChecker(Checker):
68 def __init__(self):
69 self.disallowed_headers = ["stdio.h", "stdlib.h", "string.h", "memory.h"]
70 def CheckLine(self, checker, line):
71 if "#include" in line:
72 include_file = ""
73 if '<' in line:
74 include_file = line.split('<')[1].split(">")[0]
75 #if not "/" in include_file:
76 # checker.Error("%s is not allowed" % include_file)
77 elif '"' in line:
78 include_file = line.split('"')[1]
80 #print include_file
81 if include_file in self.disallowed_headers:
82 checker.Error("%s is not allowed" % include_file)
84 class HeaderGuardChecker(Checker):
85 def CheckStart(self, checker, filename):
86 self.check = ".h" in filename
87 self.guard = "#ifndef " + filename[4:].replace("/", "_").replace(".hpp", "").replace(".h", "").upper() + "_H"
88 def CheckLine(self, checker, line):
89 if self.check:
90 #if "#" in line:
91 self.check = False
92 #if not self.check:
93 if line.strip() == self.guard:
94 pass
95 else:
96 checker.Error("malformed or missing header guard. Should be '%s'" % self.guard)
98 class CommentChecker(Checker):
99 def CheckLine(self, checker, line):
100 if line.strip()[-2:] == "*/" and "/*" in line:
101 checker.Error("single line multiline comment")
103 class FileChecker:
104 def __init__(self):
105 self.checkers = []
106 self.checkers += [FilenameExtentionChecker()]
107 self.checkers += [HeaderGuardChecker()]
108 self.checkers += [IncludeChecker()]
109 self.checkers += [CommentChecker()]
111 def Error(self, errormessage):
112 self.current_errors += [(self.current_line, errormessage)]
114 def CheckLine(self, line):
115 for c in self.checkers:
116 c.CheckLine(self, line)
117 return True
119 def CheckFile(self, filename):
120 self.current_file = filename
121 self.current_line = 0
122 self.current_errors = []
123 for c in self.checkers:
124 c.CheckStart(self, filename)
126 for line in file(filename).readlines():
127 self.current_line += 1
128 if "ignore_check" in line:
129 continue
130 self.CheckLine(line)
132 for c in self.checkers:
133 c.CheckEnd(self)
135 def GetErrors(self):
136 return self.current_errors
138 def cstrip(lines):
139 d = ""
140 for l in lines:
141 if "ignore_convention" in l:
142 continue
143 l = re.sub("^[\t ]*#.*", "", l)
144 l = re.sub("//.*", "", l)
145 l = re.sub('\".*?\"', '"String"', l) # remove strings
146 d += l.strip() + " "
147 d = re.sub('\/\*.*?\*\/', "", d) # remove /* */ comments
148 d = d.replace("\t", " ") # tab to space
149 d = re.sub(" *", " ", d) # remove double spaces
150 #d = re.sub("", "", d) # remove /* */ comments
152 d = d.strip()
154 # this eats up cases like 'n {'
155 i = 1
156 while i < len(d)-2:
157 if d[i] == ' ':
158 if not (d[i-1] in alphanum and d[i+1] in alphanum):
159 d = d[:i] + d[i+1:]
160 i += 1
161 return d
163 #def stripstrings(data):
164 # return re.sub('\".*?\"', 'STRING', data)
166 def get_identifiers(data):
167 idents = {}
168 data = " "+data+" "
169 regexp = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")
170 start = 0
171 while 1:
172 m =, start)
174 if m == None:
175 break
176 start = m.end()-1
177 name = data[m.start()+1:m.end()-1]
178 if name in idents:
179 idents[name] += 1
180 else:
181 idents[name] = 1
182 return idents
184 grand_total = 0
185 grand_offenders = 0
187 gen_html = 1
189 if gen_html:
190 print "<head>"
191 print '<link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
192 print "</head>"
193 print "<body>"
197 print '<div id="outer">'
199 print '<div id="top_left"><div id="top_right"><div id="top_mid">'
200 print '<a href="/"><img src="/images/twlogo.png" alt="teeworlds logo" /></a>'
201 print '</div></div></div>'
203 print '<div id="menu_left"><div id="menu_right"><div id="menu_mid">'
204 print '</div></div></div>'
206 print '<div id="tlc"><div id="trc"><div id="tb">&nbsp;</div></div></div>'
207 print '<div id="lb"><div id="rb"><div id="mid">'
208 print '<div id="container">'
210 print '<p class="topic_text">'
211 print '<h1>Code Refactoring Progress</h1>'
212 print '''This is generated by a script that find identifiers in the code
213 that doesn't conform to the code standard. Right now it only shows headers
214 because they need to be fixed before we can do the rest of the source.
215 This is a ROUGH estimate of the progress'''
216 print '</p>'
218 print '<p class="topic_text">'
219 print '<table>'
220 #print "<tr><td><b>%</b></td><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>File</b></td><td><b>Offenders</b></td></tr>"
222 line_order = 1
223 total_files = 0
224 complete_files = 0
225 total_errors = 0
227 for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk("src"):
228 for filename in files:
229 filename = os.path.join(root, filename)
230 if "/." in filename or "/external/" in filename or "/base/" in filename or "/generated/" in filename:
231 continue
232 if "src/osxlaunch/client.h" in filename: # ignore this file, ObjC file
233 continue
234 if "e_config_variables.h" in filename: # ignore config files
235 continue
236 if "src/game/variables.hpp" in filename: # ignore config files
237 continue
239 if not (".hpp" in filename or ".h" in filename or ".cpp" in filename):
240 continue
242 #total_files += 1
244 #if not "src/engine/client/ec_client.cpp" in filename:
245 # continue
247 f = FileChecker()
248 f.CheckFile(filename)
249 num_errors = len(f.GetErrors())
250 total_errors += num_errors
252 if num_errors:
253 print '<tr style="background: #e0e0e0"><td colspan="2">%s, %d errors</td></tr>' % (filename, num_errors),
254 for line, msg in f.GetErrors():
255 print '<tr"><td>%d</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (line, msg)
256 #print '<table>'
257 #GetErrors()
262 if 0:
263 text = cstrip(file(filename).readlines()) # remove all preprocessor stuff and comments
264 #text = stripstrings(text) # remove strings (does not solve all cases however)
265 #print text
267 idents = get_identifiers(text)
268 offenders = 0
269 total = 0
270 offender_list = {}
271 for name in idents:
272 #print name
273 if len(name) <= 2: # skip things that are too small
274 continue
275 if name in cpp_keywords: # skip keywords
276 continue
277 if name in allowed_words: # skip allowed keywords
278 continue
280 total += idents[name]
281 if name != name.lower(): # strip names that are not only lower case
282 continue
283 offender_list[name] = idents[name]
284 if not gen_html:
285 print "[%d] %s"%(idents[name], name)
286 offenders += idents[name]
288 grand_total += total
289 grand_offenders += offenders
291 if total == 0:
292 total = 1
294 line_order = -line_order
297 done = int((1-(offenders / float(total))) * 100)
298 if done == 100:
299 complete_files += 1
301 if done != 100 and gen_html:
302 color = "#ffa0a0"
303 if done > 20:
304 color = "#ffd080"
305 if done > 50:
306 color = "#ffff80"
307 if done > 75:
308 color = "#e0ff80"
309 if done == 100:
310 color = "#80ff80"
312 line_color = "#f0efd5"
313 if line_order > 0:
314 line_color = "#ffffff"
316 offender_string = ""
317 count = 0
318 for name in offender_list:
319 count += 1
320 offender_string += "[%d]%s " % (offender_list[name], name)
322 if count%5 == 0:
323 offender_string += "<br/>"
325 print '<tr style="background: %s">' % line_color,
326 print '<td style="text-align: right; background: %s"><b>%d%%</b></td><td style="text-align: center">%d</td><td>%s</td>' % (color, done, offenders, filename),
327 print '<td style="text-align: right">%s</td>' % offender_string
328 print "</tr>"
329 count = 0
331 if gen_html:
332 print "</table>"
334 print "<h1>%d errors</h1>" % total_errors
337 if 0:
338 print "<h1>%.1f%% Identifiers done</h1>" % ((1-(grand_offenders / float(grand_total))) * 100)
339 print "%d left of %d" % (grand_offenders, grand_total)
340 print "<h1>%.1f%% Files done</h1>" % ((complete_files / float(total_files)) * 100)
341 print "%d left of %d" % (total_files-complete_files, total_files)
343 print "</p>"
344 print "<div style='clear:both;'></div>"
345 print '</div>'
346 print '</div></div></div>'
348 print '<div id="blc"><div id="brc"><div id="bb">&nbsp;</div></div></div>'
349 print '</div>'
351 print "</body>"