1 ## u360gts - The Universal 360º Continous Rotation Tracker System for Drones.
3 First of all we would like you to understand the big effort spent to create such a tool for the RC community. This is a open source project, and people involved on it have their own responsabilities in their lifes (a job, a family, ..., definitely a lif). We do this because we love our hobby and would like to share it whith you, please, if something is not clear, or some information is missing, try to contact us by
5 - [submitting a new issue](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/issues)
6 - [asking in u360 facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/u360gts/)
7 - [Posting in the spanish community (español)](http://www.zonafpv.com/foro/estacion-de-tierra/u360gts-seguidor-de-antena-de-rotacion-continua-360o/)
8 - [posting in Jelle737's Build Log u360gts: 360° antenna tracker on rcgropus](https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?2964122-u360gts-360%C2%B0-antenna-tracker)
10 - [What is u360gts?](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/history.md)
11 - [History](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/history.md)
12 - [Overview](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/overview.md)
15 - [Frame](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/hardware-frame.md)
16 - [List of components](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/hardware-list-of-components.md)
19 - [Wiring schematics](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/install-wiring-schematics.md)
22 - [Loading the firmware](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/configuration-loading-firmware.md)
23 - [Configurator](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts-configurator/blob/master/README.md)
24 - [Magnetometer](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/configuration-compass.md)
25 - [Pan servo](index.md)
26 - [Tilt servo](index.md)
27 - [OFFSET setting](index.md)
28 - [PID Control](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/configuration-pid-controller.md)
29 - [NOPID controll system](index.md)
30 - [GPS](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/configuration-gps.md)
33 - [Supported protocols](index.md)
34 - [Configuring serial 0 (UART1)](index.md)
35 - [Protocol selection](index.md)
38 - [Enter CLI mode](index.md)
39 - [Save settings](index.md)
40 - [Default settings](index.md)
41 - [Enable/Disable features](index.md)
43 - [Full list of parameters](index.md)
46 - [Description and operation](index.md)
47 - [Enable/Disable display](index.md)
50 - [Installation](index.md)
51 - [Settings](index.md)
52 - [Set HOME position](index.md)
54 ## Outgoing Telemetry: protocol translation and relaying
55 - [Settings](https://github.com/raul-ortega/u360gts/blob/master/wiki/outgoing-telemetry.md)
57 ## Virtual serial ports
58 - [Configuración y asignación de funciones](index.md)
59 - [Conexiones](index.md)