5 ![](img/Naze32_wiring.png)
9 Naze32 Rev6 boards might fail to receive telemetry due to the USB-Serial chip blocking communications; you may need to cut two traces on the board as reported by [jelle737 on RCGroups](https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=38456993&postcount=9). You will then have to use an external USB-Serial/FTDI adapter to connect to the board's UART1 instead of the usual Micro-USB connector.
11 ![](img/Naze32_rev6_cut_traces.jpg)
15 ![](img/flip32_wiring.png)
19 ![](img/bluepill_wiring.png)
21 ## Ariel'S PDB for Bluepill
23 ![](img/PDB_bluepill_top.png)
24 ![](img/PDB_bluepill_bottom.png)
28 ![](img/u360gts_spracingf3_wiring_schematics.png)
32 ![](img/Crius-SE_wiring.png)
34 [<< Go back](README.md)