1 --- sloccount-2.26/makefile.orig 2014-12-01 14:31:34.804073640 -0500
2 +++ sloccount-2.26/makefile 2014-12-01 14:49:07.952172543 -0500
4 # Set this for where to store the man pages and executables.
5 # If you want to store this as part of an official distribution,
6 # change this to "/usr":
10 # Set "EXE_SUFFIX" to ".exe" if you're running on Windows, like this:
13 # Set this to your C compiler, if it's not "gcc"; a likely alternative is "cc".
14 # The "-Wall" option turns on warnings in gcc. gcc users might also want
15 # to consider using "-Werror", which turns warnings into errors.
19 # Set this to the name of your "install" program. On some systems,
20 # "install -C" would be useful (so unchanged files won't be modified),
21 # but not all systems support this install option. "Install" should work
22 # for any Unix-like system as well as for Cygwin.
23 # "INSTALL_A_DIR" is the command to create a directory in the first place.
28 # Set this to the name of the program to create RPMs.