1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now
for something completely different
3 ;; UrForth
/C Forth Engine
4 ;; Copyright
) 2023 Ketmar Dark
// Invisible Vector
6 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; additional string operations
8 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
15 : char
( ch
-- ch
16 lo
-byte dup
] a
] z bounds?
if 32 - endif
19 : upper
( addr count
-- )
20 for dup c@
] a
] z bounds?
if dup c@
32 - over c
! endif 1+ endfor drop
24 : -trailing
( addr count
-- addr count
29 dup
1- c@a
+ bl
<= if 1- false
else true
34 ;; adjust the
character string at c
-addr1 by n characters
35 ;; the resulting
character string
, specified by c
-addr2 u2
36 ;; begins at c
-addr1 plus n characters and is u1 minus n characters long
37 ;; doesn
't check length, allows negative n.
38 : /string ( c-addr1 count n -- c-addr2 count )
39 dup >r - swap r> + swap
42 ;; checks length, doesn't strip anything from an empty string
43 : /char
( c
-addr1 u1
-- c
+1 u1
-1 )
44 1- dup
-if drop
0 else swap
1+ swap
47 ;; checks length
, doesn
't strip anything from an empty string
48 : /2chars ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr+2 u1-2 ) /char /char ;
52 : (char-digit) ( ch -- digit true // false )
54 [char] 0 [char] 9 bounds-of [char] 0 - true endof
55 [char] A [char] Z bounds-of [char] A - 10 + true endof
56 [char] a [char] z bounds-of [char] a - 10 + true endof
61 : digit ( char base -- digit TRUE / FALSE )
62 swap (char-digit) if ( base digit )
63 over 1 36 bounds? if ( base digit )
64 dup rot u< if true else drop false endif
65 else ( base digit ) 2drop false
67 else ( base ) drop false
71 : digit? ( ch base -- flag ) digit dup if nip endif ;
77 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
78 ;; additional string operations
83 : cc-cat-char ( cc-str char -- )
84 >r dup count + r> swap c! 1+!
87 : cc-cat ( cc-str addr count -- )
89 rot dup >r ( addr count cc-str | cc-str )
90 over >r ( addr count cc-str | cc-str count )
91 count + swap move ( | cc-str count )
97 : pad+char ( ch -- ) pad swap cc-cat-char ;
98 : pad+cc ( addr count -- ) pad nrot cc-cat ;
100 ;; copy string to pad as cell-counted string
101 : >pad ( addr count -- )
106 : pad-cc@ ( -- addr count ) pad count ;
107 : pad-len@ ( -- count ) pad @ ;
108 : pad-len! ( count -- ) pad ! ;
110 : pad-char@ ( idx -- ch ) pad 4+ + c@ ;
112 : path-delimiter? ( ch -- )
114 dup [char] / forth:= over [char] \ forth:= or swap [char] : forth:= or
120 ;; leaves only path (or empty string)
121 ;; leaves final path delimiter
123 : pad-remove-name ( -- )
126 dup 1- pad-char@ path-delimiter?
130 : pad-remove-ext ( -- )
135 if swap pad-len! true
136 else path-delimiter? endif