URFORTH.me updates
[urforth.git] / level0 / urforth0_w_compiler_mid.asm
1 ;; Native x86 GNU/Linux Forth System, Direct Threaded Code
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 urword_forth "RECURSE",recurse
19 urword_immediate
20 ;; ( -- )
21 UF latestcfa compile_comma
22 urword_end
25 urword_forth "[CHAR]",imm_char
26 urword_immediate
27 ;; ( -- ch ) \ word
28 UF parse_name
29 UF 1 nequ errid_char_expected qerror
30 UF c@ literal
31 urword_end
34 urword_forth "'",tick
35 ;; ( -- cfa ) \ word
36 UF mfind not errid_word_expected qerror
37 urword_end
40 urword_forth "(COMPILE)",par_compile
41 urword_hidden
42 urword_arg_cfa
43 ;; ( -- )
44 ;; UF qcomp
45 UF rpop dup cellinc rpush @ compile_comma
46 urword_end
48 urword_forth "COMPILE",compile
49 urword_immediate
50 ;; ( -- )
51 UF qcomp mfind not errid_word_expected qerror
52 urcompile par_compile
53 UF compile_comma
54 urword_end
56 urword_forth "[COMPILE]",imm_compile
57 urword_immediate
58 ;; ( -- )
59 UF qcomp
60 UF mfind not errid_word_expected qerror
61 UF compile_comma
62 urword_end
64 ;; ANS idiocity, does this:
65 ;; if the next word is immediate, compiles it in the current word
66 ;; if the next word is not immediate, compiles "compile nextword"
67 ;; shit
68 urword_forth "POSTPONE",imm_postpone
69 urword_immediate
70 ;; ( -- )
71 UF qcomp mfind not errid_word_expected qerror
72 UF dup cfa2nfa nfa2ffa ffapeek par_wflag_immediate and
73 ur_ifnot
74 urcompile par_compile
75 ur_endif
76 UF compile_comma
77 urword_end
80 urword_forth "[",lsqparen
81 urword_immediate
82 ;; ( -- )
83 UF state 0poke
84 urword_end
86 urword_forth "]",rsqparen
87 ;; ( -- )
88 UF state 1poke
89 urword_end
92 urword_forth "(",comment_lparen
93 urword_immediate
94 UF 41 parse 2drop
95 urword_end
97 urword_forth '\',comment_toeol
98 urword_immediate
99 ;; check last delimiter
100 UF par_last_read_char @ 10 equal
101 ur_if
102 UF exit
103 ur_endif
104 ur_begin
105 UF tib_getch qdup
106 ur_while
107 ;; ( ch -- )
108 UF dup 13 equal
109 ur_if
110 UF drop tib_peekch 10 equal
111 ur_if
112 UF tib_getch drop
113 ur_endif
114 UF exit
115 ur_endif
116 UF 10 equal
117 ur_if
118 UF exit
119 ur_endif
120 ur_repeat
121 urword_end
123 ; aliases
124 urword_alias ";;",comment_toeol_semisemi,comment_toeol
125 urword_immediate
126 urword_alias "//",comment_toeol_slashslash,comment_toeol
127 urword_immediate
129 ; multiline comment
130 ; (* .... *)
131 urword_forth "(*",comment_multiline
132 urword_immediate
133 ur_begin
134 UF tib_getch qdup
135 ur_while
136 ;; ( ch -- )
137 UF 42 equal tib_peekch 41 equal and
138 ur_if
139 UF tib_getch drop exit
140 ur_endif
141 ur_repeat
142 urword_end
144 ; nested multiline comment
145 ; (+ .... +)
146 urword_forth "(+",comment_multiline_nested
147 urword_immediate
148 UF 1 ; current comment level
149 ur_begin
150 UF tib_getch qdup
151 ur_while
152 ;; ( ch -- )
153 UF 8 lshift tib_peekch or
154 UF dup 0x282b equal ;; (+?
155 ur_if
156 UF drop tib_getch drop 1inc
157 ur_else
158 UF 0x2b29 equal ;; +)
159 ur_if
160 UF tib_getch drop 1dec
161 UF qdup
162 ur_ifnot
163 UF exit
164 ur_endif
165 ur_endif
166 ur_endif
167 ur_repeat
168 UF drop
169 urword_end
172 urword_forth "(PARSE-COMPILE-C4STR)",par_parse_compile_strlit
173 urword_hidden
174 ;; ( ch -- ... )
175 UF 34 parse_to_here
176 ; unescape it (we don't need returned data)
177 UF count str_unescape swap celldec ! ;; update length
178 UF state @
179 ur_if
180 ; compile string literal (with trailing zero byte, not included in count)
181 ;; this is either noop, or real copy (due to DP-TEMP)
182 UF word_here here over count_only cellinc move
183 UF here count_only cellinc allot
184 UF 0 ccomma
185 ur_else
186 UF word_here pad word_here count_only cellinc cmove pad count
187 ; put trailing 0 (not included in count)
188 UF 2dup + 0cpoke
189 ur_endif
190 urword_end
192 urword_forth '"',double_quote
193 urword_immediate
194 ;; ( -- addr count ) \ word
195 UF state @
196 ur_if
197 ; compile string literal
198 urcompile strlit
199 ur_endif
200 UF par_parse_compile_strlit
201 urword_end
203 urword_alias 'S"',sdquote,double_quote
204 urword_immediate
207 urword_forth '(.")',pardottype
208 urword_hidden
209 urword_arg_c4strz
210 UF rpeek count type rpop count + 1inc rpush
211 urword_end
214 urword_forth '."',dot_double_quote
215 urword_immediate
216 ;; ( -- ) \ word
217 UF state @
218 ur_if
219 ; compile string literal
220 urcompile pardottype
221 ur_endif
222 UF par_parse_compile_strlit
223 UF state @
224 ur_ifnot
225 UF type
226 ur_endif
227 urword_end
229 urword_forth ".(",dot_lparen
230 urword_immediate
231 ;; ( -- ) \ word
232 UF 41 parse_to_here count str_unescape type
233 urword_end
236 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
237 ;; UrForth level 1 already has it in the kernel, so i have to move it here
238 urword_forth "[']",imm_tick
239 urword_immediate
240 ;; ( -- cfa ) \ word
241 UF tick cfaliteral
242 urword_end
244 urword_forth "CFALITERAL",cfaliteral
245 urword_immediate
246 UF state @ q0exit
247 urcompile cfalit
248 UF compile_comma
249 urword_end