xog: slightly better debug output
[urforth.git] / level1 / 34_str_hash_more.f
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; UrForth level 1: self-hosting 32-bit Forth compiler
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 code: STR-HASH-ELF ( addr count -- u32hash )
8 pop edi
9 xor eax,eax
10 jecxz .done
11 .hashloop:
12 ;; hash <<= 4
13 shl eax,4
14 ;; hash += *key
15 movzx edx,byte [edi]
16 add eax,edx
17 ;; high = hash&0xF0000000
18 ld edx,eax
19 and edx,0xf0000000
20 ld ebx,edx
21 inc edi
22 ;; hash ^= high>>24
23 rol edx,8
24 xor eax,edx
25 ;; hash &= ~high
26 not ebx
27 and eax,ebx
28 dec ecx
29 jr nz,.hashloop
30 ;;loop .hashloop
31 .done:
32 ld TOS,eax
33 urnext
34 endcode
37 code: STR-HASH-JOAAT ( addr count -- u32hash )
38 pop edi
39 xor eax,eax
40 jecxz .done
41 .hashloop:
42 ;; hash += *key
43 movzx edx,byte [edi]
44 add eax,edx
45 ;; hash += hash<<10
46 ld edx,eax
47 shl eax,10
48 add eax,edx
49 inc edi
50 ;; hash ^= hash>>6
51 ld edx,eax
52 shr eax,6
53 xor eax,edx
54 dec ecx
55 jr nz,.hashloop
56 ;;loop .hashloop
57 ;; final permutation
58 ;; hash += hash<<3
59 ld edx,eax
60 shl eax,3
61 add eax,edx
62 ;; hash ^= hash>>11
63 ld edx,eax
64 shr eax,11
65 xor eax,edx
66 ;; hash += hash<<15
67 ld edx,eax
68 shl eax,15
69 add eax,edx
70 .done:
71 ld TOS,eax
72 urnext
73 endcode
76 code: STR-HASH-ROT ( addr count -- u32hash )
77 pop edi
78 xor eax,eax
79 jecxz .done
80 .hashloop:
81 ;; hash = lrot(hash, 4)
82 rol eax,4
83 ;; hash += *key
84 movzx edx,byte [edi]
85 inc edi
86 ;; upcase it (this also distorts other chars, but who cares)
87 and dl,0xdf
88 xor eax,edx
89 dec ecx
90 jr nz,.hashloop
91 ;; this mixing allows using power-of-two tables with masking
92 ;; hash ^= (hash>>10)^(hash>>20)
93 ld ecx,eax
94 shr ecx,10
95 ld edx,eax
96 shr edx,20
97 xor eax,ecx
98 xor eax,edx
99 .done:
100 ld TOS,eax
101 urnext
102 endcode
105 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
106 ;; tests
107 ;; ;; 0 [IF]
108 ;; ;; \ ' STR-HASH-DSFORTH disasm-word
109 ;; ;; .( testing hashing functions...\n)
110 ;; ;;
111 ;; ;; : (str-hash-nassert) ( v0 v1 -- )
112 ;; ;; 2dup - if
113 ;; ;; ." assertion failed!\n"
114 ;; ;; ." EXPECTED: $" .hex8 cr
115 ;; ;; ." GOT: $" .hex8 cr
116 ;; ;; 1 bye
117 ;; ;; endif
118 ;; ;; 2drop
119 ;; ;; ;
120 ;; ;;
121 ;; ;; s" a" str-hash-dsforth $00000061 (str-hash-nassert)
122 ;; ;; s" ab" str-hash-dsforth $00000024 (str-hash-nassert)
123 ;; ;; s" The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" str-hash-dsforth $00000063 (str-hash-nassert)
124 ;; ;;
125 ;; ;; s" a" str-hash-elf $00000061 (str-hash-nassert)
126 ;; ;; s" ab" str-hash-elf $00000672 (str-hash-nassert)
127 ;; ;; s" The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" str-hash-elf $04280C57 (str-hash-nassert)
128 ;; ;;
129 ;; ;; s" a" str-hash-joaat 0xca2e9442 (str-hash-nassert)
130 ;; ;; s" ab" str-hash-joaat $45E61E58 (str-hash-nassert)
131 ;; ;; s" The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" str-hash-joaat 0x519e91f5 (str-hash-nassert)
132 ;; ;;
133 ;; ;; .( done testing hashing functions...\n)
134 ;; ;; [ENDIF]