renamed "(init-temp-voc)" to "(new-temp-voc)"
[urforth.git] / level0 / urforth0_w_countstr.asm
1 ;; Native x86 GNU/Linux Forth System, Direct Threaded Code
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
19 urword_code "ZCOUNT",zcount
20 ;; ( addr -- addr count )
21 ;; length of asciiz string
22 push TOS
23 mov edi,TOS
24 xor al,al
25 cp [edi],al
26 jr nz,@f
27 xor TOS,TOS
28 urnext
29 @@:
30 mov edx,-1
31 mov ecx,edx
32 repnz scasb
33 sub edx,ecx
34 mov ecx,edx
35 dec ecx
36 urnext
37 urword_end
40 urword_alias "COUNT-ONLY",count_only,peek
41 ;; ( addr -- count )
43 urword_code "COUNT",count
44 ;; ( addr -- addr+4 count )
45 ;UF dup count_only swap cellinc swap exit
46 ld eax,[TOS]
47 add TOS,4
48 push TOS
49 ld TOS,eax
50 urnext
51 urword_end
54 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
55 urword_code "S=",strequ
56 ;; ( addr0 count0 addr1 count1 -- flag )
57 ; compare lengthes
58 cp TOS,[esp+4]
59 jr nz,.lenfail
60 or ecx,ecx
61 jr z,.lenzero
62 ; perform memcmp
63 pop edi
64 pop eax
65 xchg esi,[esp]
66 ; now EIP is saved on the stack
67 repz cmpsb
68 ; restore EIP
69 pop esi
70 jcxz .success_check
71 xor TOS,TOS
72 urnext
74 .success_check:
75 jz .success
76 xor TOS,TOS
77 urnext
79 .lenfail:
80 ; early failure
81 add esp,4*3
82 xor TOS,TOS
83 urnext
85 .lenzero:
86 ; early success
87 add esp,4*3
88 .success:
89 ld TOS,1
90 urnext
91 urword_end
93 ; ascii case-insensitive compare
94 urword_code "S=CI",strequ_ci
95 ;; ( addr0 count0 addr1 count1 -- flag )
96 ; compare lengthes
97 cp TOS,[esp+4]
98 jr nz,.lenfail
99 or ecx,ecx
100 jr z,.lenzero
101 ; perform memcmp
102 pop edi
103 pop eax
104 xchg esi,[esp]
105 ; now EIP is saved on the stack
106 .cmploop:
107 lodsb
108 ld ah,[edi]
109 inc edi
110 ; it may work
111 cp al,ah
112 jr nz,.trycase
113 .caseequ:
114 loop .cmploop
115 ; success
116 ; restore EIP
117 pop esi
118 ld TOS,1
119 urnext
121 .trycase:
122 cp al,'a'
123 jr c,@f
124 cp al,'z'+1
125 jr nc,@f
126 sub al,32
128 cp ah,'a'
129 jr c,@f
130 cp ah,'z'+1
131 jr nc,@f
132 sub ah,32
134 cmp al,ah
135 jr z,.caseequ
136 ; failure
137 ; restore EIP
138 pop esi
139 xor TOS,TOS
140 urnext
142 .lenfail:
143 ; early failure
144 add esp,4*3
145 xor TOS,TOS
146 urnext
148 .lenzero:
149 ; early success
150 add esp,4*3
151 ld TOS,1
152 urnext
153 urword_end
156 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
157 urword_code "UPCASE-CHAR",upcase_char
158 ;; ( ch -- ch )
159 and TOS,0xff
160 cp cl,'a'
161 jr c,@f
162 cp cl,'z'+1
163 jr nc,@f
164 sub cl,32
166 urnext
167 urword_end
169 urword_code "UPCASE-STR",upcase_str
170 ;; ( addr count -- )
171 pop edi
172 test TOS,0x80000000
173 jr nz,fword_upcase_str_done
174 or TOS,TOS
175 jr z,fword_upcase_str_done
176 fword_upcase_str_loop:
177 ld al,[edi]
178 cp al,'a'
179 jr c,@f
180 cp al,'z'+1
181 jr nc,@f
182 sub byte [edi],32
184 inc edi
185 loop fword_upcase_str_loop
186 fword_upcase_str_done:
187 pop TOS
188 urnext
189 urword_end
192 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
193 ;; converts some escape codes in-place
194 ;; used for `."` and `"`
195 ;; the resulting string is never bigger that the source one
196 ;; this will not preserve the trailing zero byte
197 urword_code "STR-UNESCAPE",str_unescape
198 ;; ( addr count -- addr count )
199 ;call .dbg
200 jecxz .quit
201 ld edi,[esp]
202 push ecx
204 .scanloop:
205 ld al,92
206 repnz scasb
207 jecxz .done ; nope
208 jr nz,.done
209 ; edi is after backslash
210 ; ecx is number of chars left after backslash
211 ; found backslash, check next char
212 ld al,[edi]
213 ; '\r'?
214 cp al,'r'
215 jr nz,@f
216 ld al,13
217 jr .replace_one
219 ; '\n'?
220 cp al,'n'
221 jr nz,@f
222 ld al,10
223 jr .replace_one
225 ; '\t'?
226 cp al,'t'
227 jr nz,@f
228 ld al,9
229 jr .replace_one
231 ; '\b'? (bell)
232 cp al,'b'
233 jr nz,@f
234 ld al,7
235 jr .replace_one
237 ; '\e'? (escape)
238 cp al,'e'
239 jr nz,@f
240 ld al,27
241 jr .replace_one
243 ; '\z'? (zero)
244 cp al,'z'
245 jr nz,@f
246 xor al,al
247 jr .replace_one
249 ; '\`'? (double quote)
250 cp al,'`'
251 jr nz,@f
252 ld al,'"'
253 jr .replace_one
255 ; 'xHH'?
256 cp al,'x'
257 jr z,.esc_hex
258 cp al,'X'
259 jr z,.esc_hex
260 jr .replace_one
261 .loop_cont:
262 loop .scanloop
264 .done:
265 pop ecx
266 .quit:
267 urnext
269 .esc_hex:
270 cp ecx,2
271 jr c,.loop_cont
272 ld al,[edi+1]
273 call .hexdigit
274 jr c,.loop_cont
275 ; save original string position
276 push esi
277 ld esi,edi
278 ; skip 'x'
279 inc edi ; skip 'x'
280 dec ecx
281 dec dword [esp+4]
282 ; skip first digit
283 inc edi
284 dec ecx
285 dec dword [esp+4]
286 jecxz .esc_hex_done
287 ld ah,al
288 ld al,[edi]
289 call .hexdigit
290 jr nc,@f
291 ld al,ah
292 jr .esc_hex_done
294 ; combine two hex digits
295 shl ah,4
296 or al,ah
297 ; skip second digit
298 inc edi
299 dec ecx
300 dec dword [esp+4]
301 .esc_hex_done:
302 ld [esi-1],al
303 jecxz .esc_hex_quit
304 ; remove leftover chars
305 ; ECX: chars left
306 ; ESI: position after backslash
307 ; EDI: rest position
308 ; old ESI is on the stack
309 push esi ; to be restored in EDI
310 push ecx
311 xchg esi,edi
312 rep movsb
313 pop ecx
314 pop edi ; get back to backslash
315 pop esi ; restore old ESI
316 jr .scanloop
318 .esc_hex_quit:
319 pop esi
320 jr .done
322 .replace_one:
323 ld [edi-1],al
324 dec dword [esp]
325 dec ecx
326 jecxz .done
327 ; move
328 push esi
329 push edi
330 push ecx
331 ld esi,edi
332 inc edi
333 .domove:
334 xchg esi,edi
335 rep movsb
336 pop ecx
337 pop edi
338 pop esi
339 jr .scanloop
341 .hexdigit:
342 sub al,'0'
343 jr c,.hexdigit_done
344 cp al,10
346 jr nc,.hexdigit_done
347 sub al,7
348 jr c,.hexdigit_done
349 cp al,16
351 jr nc,.hexdigit_done
352 ; maybe its lowercase?
353 cp al,42
354 jr c,.hexdigit_done
355 sub al,32
356 cp al,16
358 .hexdigit_done:
361 .dbg:
362 dprint_hex_al
363 dprint_char ' '
364 dprint_hex ecx
365 dprint_cr
367 urword_end
370 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
371 urword_code "STR-TRIM-AFTER-LAST-CHAR",str_trim_after_last_char
372 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
373 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char
374 ;; `count` will include char
375 ;; `addr` is not changed in any case
376 ; i can do it faster, but meh...
377 ld eax,TOS
378 pop TOS
379 ld edi,[esp]
380 jecxz .notfound
381 test TOS,0x80000000
382 jr nz,.notfound
383 add edi,TOS
384 .scanloop:
385 dec edi
386 cp byte [edi],al
387 jr z,.done
388 loop .scanloop
389 .notfound:
390 xor TOS,TOS
391 urnext
392 .done:
393 jecxz .notfound
394 urnext
395 urword_end
398 urword_code "STR-TRIM-AFTER-CHAR",str_trim_after_char
399 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
400 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char
401 ;; `count` will not include a colon
402 ;; `addr` is not changed in any case
403 ; i can do it faster, but meh...
404 ld eax,TOS
405 pop TOS
406 ld edi,[esp]
407 jecxz .notfound
408 test TOS,0x80000000
409 jr nz,.notfound
410 xor edx,edx
411 .scanloop:
412 cp byte [edi],al
413 jr z,.done
414 inc edi
415 inc edx
416 loop .scanloop
417 .notfound:
418 xor TOS,TOS
419 urnext
420 .done:
421 inc edx
422 ld TOS,edx
423 urnext
424 urword_end
427 urword_forth "STR-SKIP-AFTER-LAST-CHAR",str_skip_after_last_char
428 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
429 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char (and `addr` will be unchanged)
430 ;; `addr` will not include char
431 UF rpush 2dup rpop str_trim_after_last_char
432 UF nip dup rpush
433 UF - swap rpop + swap
434 urword_end
436 urword_forth "STR-SKIP-AFTER-CHAR",str_skip_after_char
437 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
438 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char (and `addr` will be unchanged)
439 ;; `addr` will not include char
440 UF rpush 2dup rpop str_trim_after_char
441 UF nip dup rpush
442 UF - swap rpop + swap
443 urword_end
446 urword_forth "STR-TRIM-AT-LAST-CHAR",str_trim_at_last_char
447 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
448 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char
449 ;; `count` will not include char
450 ;; `addr` is not changed in any case
451 UF str_trim_after_last_char dup
452 ur_if
453 UF 1dec
454 ur_endif
455 urword_end
457 urword_forth "STR-TRIM-AT-CHAR",str_trim_at_char
458 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
459 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char
460 ;; `count` will not include char
461 ;; `addr` is not changed in any case
462 UF str_trim_after_char dup
463 ur_if
464 UF 1dec
465 ur_endif
466 urword_end
469 urword_forth "STR-SKIP-AT-LAST-CHAR",str_skip_at_last_char
470 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
471 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char (and `addr` will be unchanged)
472 ;; `addr` will not include char
473 UF rpush 2dup rpop str_trim_at_last_char
474 UF nip dup rpush
475 UF - swap rpop + swap
476 urword_end
478 urword_forth "STR-SKIP-AT-CHAR",str_skip_at_char
479 ;; ( addr count char -- addr count )
480 ;; `count` will be 0 if there is no char (and `addr` will be unchanged)
481 ;; `addr` will not include char
482 UF rpush 2dup rpop str_trim_at_char
483 UF nip dup rpush
484 UF - swap rpop + swap
485 urword_end
488 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
489 urword_forth "STR-EXTRACT-PATH",str_extract_path
490 ;; ( addr count -- addr count )
491 ;; count can be 0 if no path there
492 ;; trailing '/' is included
493 UF 47 str_trim_after_last_char
494 urword_end
496 urword_forth "STR-EXTRACT-NAME",str_extract_name
497 ;; ( addr count -- addr count )
498 ;; count can be 0 if no name there (and `addr` is not changed)
499 UF 47 str_skip_after_last_char
500 urword_end
502 urword_forth "STR-EXTRACT-EXT",str_extract_ext
503 ;; ( addr count -- addr count )
504 ;; count can be 0 if no extension there (and `addr` is not changed)
505 ;; dot is included
506 UF 2dup str_extract_name qdup
507 ur_ifnot
508 ;; ( addr count dummyaddr )
509 UF 2drop 0 exit
510 ur_endif
511 ;; ( addr count naddr ncount )
512 UF 46 str_skip_at_last_char qdup
513 ur_ifnot
514 ;; ( addr count dummyaddr )
515 UF 2drop 0
516 ur_else
517 ;; ( addr count extaddr extcount )
518 UF 2swap 2drop
519 ur_endif
520 urword_end
522 urword_forth "STR-EXTRACT-BASE-NAME",str_extract_base_name
523 ;; ( addr count -- addr count )
524 ;; count can be 0 if no base name there (and `addr` is not changed)
525 ;; get base name
526 UF 2dup str_extract_name qdup
527 ur_ifnot
528 ;; no file name, nothing to extract
529 UF 2drop 0 exit
530 ur_endif
531 ;; trim at extension
532 ;; ( addr count nameaddr namecount )
533 UF 2dup 46 str_trim_at_last_char
534 ;; ( addr count nameaddr namecount bnaddr bncount )
535 UF qdup
536 ur_ifnot
537 ;; ( addr count nameaddr namecount dummyaddr )
538 UF drop 2rpush 2drop 2rpop exit
539 ur_endif
540 ;; ( addr count nameaddr namecount bnaddr bncount )
541 UF 2rpush 2drop 2drop 2rpop
542 urword_end
545 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
546 urword_forth "C4S-ZTERM",c4s_zterm
547 ;; ( addr -- )
548 UF count + 0poke
549 urword_end
551 urword_forth "C4S-COPY",c4s_copy
552 ;; ( addrsrc addrdest -- )
553 UF rpush dup count_only cellinc rpop swap cmove
554 urword_end
556 urword_forth "C4S-COPY-A-C",c4s_copy_ac
557 ;; ( addrsrc count addrdest -- )
558 UF 2dup poke
559 UF cellinc swap cmove
560 urword_end
561 urword_alias "C4S-COPY-COUNTED",c4s_copy_counted,c4s_copy_ac
563 urword_forth "C4S-CAT-A-C",c4s_cat_ac
564 ;; ( addr count addrdest -- )
565 UF over 0great
566 ur_if
567 UF dup rpush count + swap dup rpush cmove
568 UF rpop rpop addpoke
569 ur_else
570 UF 2drop drop
571 ur_endif
572 urword_end
573 urword_alias "C4S-CAT-COUNTED",c4s_cat_counted,c4s_cat_ac