xog: cosmetix
[urforth.git] / level0 / urforth0_w_temp_pool.asm
1 ;; Native x86 GNU/Linux Forth System, Direct Threaded Code
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
19 ;; very simple pool allocator for temporary data
20 ;; allocates bytes from the end of the memory
21 urword_var "(TEMP-POOL-TOP)",temp_pool_top,0
22 urword_hidden
23 urword_const "(TEMP-POOL-BOT-OFS)",temp_pool_bot_ofs,1024
24 urword_hidden
26 urword_forth "TEMP-POOL-RESET",temp_pool_reset
27 ;; ( -- )
28 ;; resets temporary pool (i.e. deallocates everything)
29 UF dpend @ temp_pool_bot_ofs - temp_pool_top !
30 urword_end
32 urword_forth "TEMP-POOL-MARK",temp_pool_mark
33 ;; ( -- addr )
34 ;; returns temp pool "mark", which can be used in "TEMP-POOL-RELEASE"
35 UF temp_pool_top @
36 urword_end
38 urword_forth "TEMP-POOL-HERE",temp_pool_here
39 ;; ( -- addr )
40 ;; returns temp pool "here", i.e. current top
41 ;; can be used to avoid keeping it elsewhere
42 UF temp_pool_top @
43 urword_end
45 urword_forth "TEMP-POOL-RELEASE",temp_pool_release
46 ;; ( addr -- )
47 ;; deallocates temp pool bytes
48 ;; aborts on invalid mark values
49 ; trying to allocate something instead of freeing it?
50 UF dup temp_pool_top @ uless errid_invalid_temp_pool_release qerror
51 ; trying to go beyound the end of the pool?
52 UF dup dpend @ temp_pool_bot_ofs - ugreat
53 UF errid_invalid_temp_pool_release qerror
54 ; set this as new pool top
55 UF temp_pool_top !
56 urword_end
58 urword_forth "TEMP-POOL-ALLOC",temp_pool_alloc
59 ;; ( size -- addr )
60 ;; deallocates temp pool bytes
61 ;; aborts on invalid mark values
62 ; sanity check for size
63 UF dup 0 less errid_invalid_temp_pool_allocation qerror
64 UF dup unused great errid_invalid_temp_pool_allocation qerror
65 ; check if we'll have less than 64KB of room between the temp pool and HERE
66 UF dup here + 65536 + temp_pool_top @ ugreat errid_out_of_temp_pool qerror
67 ; allocate
68 UF temp_pool_top subpoke
69 ; return the address of the allocated memory
70 UF temp_pool_here
71 urword_end
73 ; for code words
75 urword_code "(NO-CALL-TEMP-POOL-CODESUBS)",par_no_call_temp_pool_subs
76 urword_hidden
77 urword_codeblock
78 ;; OUT: EAX=mark
79 ;; other registers are preserved (except flags)
80 urpool_mark:
81 ld eax,[fvar_temp_pool_top_data]
82 ret
84 ;; IN: EAX=mark
85 ;; OUT: nothing
86 ;; all registers are preserved (except flags)
87 ;; TODO: sanity checks
88 urpool_release:
89 ld [fvar_temp_pool_top_data],eax
90 ret
92 ;; IN: EAX=size
93 ;; OUT: EDI=address
94 ;; all other registers (including EAX) are preserved (except flags)
95 ;; TODO: sanity checks
96 urpool_alloc:
97 ld edi,[fvar_temp_pool_top_data]
98 sub edi,eax
99 jr c,urpool_alloc_error
100 cmp edi,[fvar_temp_pool_top_data]
101 jr nc,urpool_alloc_error
102 ld eax,[fvar_dp_temp_data]
103 or eax,eax
104 cmovz eax,[fvar_dp_data]
105 add eax,65536
106 cmp edi,eax
107 jr c,urpool_alloc_error
108 ; success
109 ld [fvar_temp_pool_top_data],edi
112 urpool_alloc_error:
114 ld eax,fword_error
115 call ur_mc_fcall
116 ; it will never return
117 urword_end