meta: cosmetix
[urforth.git] / samples / pi.f
1 \ Calculation of digits of pi without floating-point
2 \ The algorithm calculate one digit at the time
3 \ Michel Jean, April 2020
4 \ adapded to UrForth by Ketmar Dark
6 1001 constant nbr-digits \ number of digit - add one, the last digit is not printed
7 0 var pos \ position in the array
8 0 var ret \ carry (retenue in french ;-) )
9 nbr-digits 10 3 */ constant nbr-cells \ initialisation on the number of cells
10 0 var arr-cells nbr-cells cells allot
12 : initialisation ( -- ) \ initialisation of the array
13 nbr-cells for 2 arr-cells i +cells ! endfor
16 : algo-base ( -- )
17 pos @ 1 = if
18 cell arr-cells + @ 10 * ret @ +
19 dup
20 10 mod arr-cells cell+ !
21 10 / ret !
22 else
23 pos @ cells arr-cells + @ 10 * ret @ +
24 2 pos @ * 1-
25 2dup
26 mod arr-cells pos @ +cells !
27 / pos @ 1- * ret !
28 endif
31 : release-stack \ hold the last digit and release other digits of the stack
32 depth 1- +if depth 1- roll 0 .r recurse endif
35 : release-stack+1 \ hold the last digit and release other digits of the stack + 1 modulo 10
36 depth 1- +if depth 1- roll 1+ 10 mod 0 .r recurse endif
39 : set-predigit ( -- n )
40 ret @ dup 9 < if release-stack else
41 dup 10 = if release-stack+1 drop 0
42 endif endif
45 : 1digit ( -- ) \ calculate 1 digit at the time
46 1 nbr-cells do i pos ! algo-base -1 +loop set-predigit
49 : run ( -- )
50 ret 0! initialisation
51 nbr-digits 50 / for
52 50 for 1digit endfor \ 50 digits by line
53 cr endfor
54 drop \ drop the last digit (value not safe)
57 run
59 .stack bye