1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; UrForth level
1: self
32-bit Forth compiler
3 ;; Copyright
) 2020 Ketmar Dark
// Invisible Vector
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; default abort calls ABORT
, and
then MAIN
8 ;; threading code replaces it
9 $uservar
"(ABORT-CLEANUP-PTR)" ua_ofs_abort_cleanup_ptr
11 ;; ye good olde ABORT
, vectorized
12 ;; this word should never
13 ;; note that by
default it cleans exception frames
, and goes straight
14 $uservar
"(ABORT-PTR)" ua_ofs_abort_ptr
16 ;; called when the system needs
to abort with error message
17 ;; this word should never
18 ;; it uses THROW
to throw an error
20 $uservar
"(ERROR-PTR)" ua_ofs_error_ptr
22 ;; this one completely ignores any exceptions
, cleans exception frames
, and aborts
24 $uservar
"(FATAL-ERROR-PTR)" ua_ofs_fatal_error_ptr
26 ;; this is called
to reset FPU
27 $defer
29 $value
31 $constant
"(#user-abort-msg)" 63
32 $uservar
"(user-abort-msg)" ua_ofs_user_abort_msg
37 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
38 : (abort
) ( -- ) (user
) 0c
! ;
39 : (abort
) ( ch
-- ) (user
) c@
) < if (user
) c1s
else drop
endif ;
40 : (abort
) ( addr count
-- ) dup
+if (#user
) min bounds
do i c@
) loop
else 2drop
endif ;
42 : (abort
) ( errcode
-- ) (tib
) throw
44 : (abort
) ( -- ) err
['] (abort-with-built-msg-errcode) execute-tail ;
46 : (abort-with-msg) ( addr count -- )
47 0 (#user-abort-msg) clamp (user-abort-msg) c1s:copy-counted
48 ['] (abort
) execute
51 : <abort
( -- ) (abort
) ;
52 : abort
( char
-- ) (abort
) ;
53 : abort
( char
-- ) dup
32 < over
127 = or
if drop
] ?
endif (abort
) ;
54 : abort
( addr count
-- ) (abort
) ;
55 alias
) abort
58 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
59 $constant
60 $constant
61 $constant
62 $constant
63 $constant
64 $constant
65 $constant
66 $constant
67 $constant
68 $constant
69 $constant
70 $constant
71 $constant
72 $constant
73 $constant
74 $constant
"ERR-IN-PROTECTED-DICT" -16 ;; for "forget" (which will prolly never materialize
75 $constant
76 $constant
77 $constant
78 $constant
79 $constant
80 $constant
81 $constant
82 $constant
83 $constant
84 $constant
85 $constant
86 $constant
87 $constant
88 $constant
89 $constant
90 $constant
91 $constant
92 $constant
93 $constant
94 $constant
95 $constant
96 $constant
97 $constant
98 $constant
99 $constant
100 $constant
101 $constant
102 $constant
103 $constant
104 $constant
105 $constant
106 $constant
107 $constant
108 $constant
109 $constant
110 $constant
111 $constant
112 $constant
113 $constant
114 $constant
116 $constant
119 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
120 create (ERROR-MSG-TABLE) (hidden)
121 ERR
-WORD error
," pardon?"
122 ERR
," stack underflow"
123 ERR
," stack overflow"
124 ERR
," return stack underflow"
125 ERR
," return stack overflow"
126 ERR
-MEMORY error
," out of memory"
127 ERR
," is not unique"
128 ERR
-FOUND error
," file not found"
129 ERR
," file read error"
130 ERR
," file write error"
131 ERR
-BIG error
," file too big"
132 ERR
-ONLY error
," compilation only"
133 ERR
-ONLY error
," execution only"
134 ERR
," conditionals not paired"
135 ERR
," definition not finished"
136 ERR
-DICT error
," in protected dictionary"
137 ERR
-DEFER error
," not a DEFER word"
138 ERR
-NAME error
," invalid word name"
139 ERR
," known word expected"
140 ERR
-ABORT error
," user abort" ;; actually
, this will show
) instead
141 ERR
-RELADDR error
," reladdr out of bounds"
142 ERR
-MALLOC error
," invalid malloc/realloc/free"
143 ERR
," vocabulary stack overflow"
144 ERR
," character expected"
145 ERR
," string expected"
146 ERR
," invalid break/continue"
147 ERR
-SYSTEM error
," non-naked system"
148 ERR
," not implemented"
149 ERR
-ALLOT error
," negative ALLOT is not allowed"
150 ERR
-HERE error
," not allowed in transient HERE"
151 ERR
-ALREADY error
," transient HERE already in use"
152 ERR
," cannot override non-Forth word"
153 ERR
-REPLACE error
," no code space to replace word"
154 ERR
-LONG error
," input too long"
155 ERR
-CATCH error
," THROW without CATCH"
156 ERR
," THROW chain corrupted"
157 ERR
-IFDEF error
," unbalanced ifdefs"
158 ERR
-ERROR error
," user-defined error"
159 ERR
-LONG error
," string too long"
160 ERR
," segmentation fault"
161 ERR
," arithmetic overflow"
162 ERR
-DIVIDE error
," division by zero"
163 ERR
-STACK error
," unbalanced stack in save chain"
164 ERR
," fpu stack underflow"
165 ERR
-LIBRARY error
," unknown library"
166 ERR
-FORTH error
," `...` must be in a Forth word"
167 ERR
-FIRST error
," `...` must be the first in a Forth word"
168 ERR
-SIZE error
," invalid size in RESTORE-INPUT"
169 ERR
-AREA error
," out of user area"
170 ERR
-THREAD error
," use resource in invalid thread"
171 ERR
-ERROR error
," cannot dynamicaly dispatch class method"
172 ERR
-ONLY error
," definition must be non-macro"
173 ERR
," undefined CPU instruction"
174 ERR
-LONG error
," aligned word name too long"
175 ERR
," align violation (internal compiler error)"
179 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
180 : (FIND
) ( id tbladdr
-- addr count true
// id false
188 rdrop cell
+ zcount true exit
197 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
198 ;; error
0 is
"unknown word"; usually called with the word in HERE
199 ;; the word should be already dumped
, and we won
't show the usual "ERROR:" prompt
200 : ERROR-MESSAGE ( errcode -- )
201 dup err-unknown-word = if
203 (error-msg-table) (find-message) ifnot drop ." pardon?" endif
206 ;; look for error message in the table
207 ?endcr if space endif
209 dup err-user-abort = if ." : " (user-abort-msg) bcount ?dup ifnot drop " unknown user error" endif type (abort-msg-reset)
210 else dup err-dispatch-error = (user-abort-msg) bcount-only logand if (user-abort-msg) bcount type (abort-msg-reset)
211 else (error-msg-table) (find-message) if ." : " type
212 else ." #" base @ swap decimal 0 .r base !
219 (tib-error-line#) ?dup if
221 base @ >r decimal . r> base !
222 (tib-error-fname) count ?dup
224 ." of file \`" type 34 emit space
229 error-type-line? if endcr (tib-type-error-line) cr endif
234 : (FATAL-ERROR) ( errcode -- )
235 decimal ;; because why not
238 ;; print stacks depth
241 sp0 @ sp@ - 2 arshift .
243 rp0 @ rp@ - 2 arshift .
248 ;; just in case it returns
250 ; (noreturn) (hidden)
253 ;; and this one tries to throw
254 : (ERROR) ( errcode -- )
255 (tib-fname>error-fname)
256 (exc-frame-ptr) @ if throw endif
257 ;; no exception frame set, do fatal
262 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
263 ;; issue an error message with the given code if the boolean flag is true
264 : ?ERROR ( flag code -- )
269 : NOT-?ERROR ( flag code -- )
270 swap ifnot error endif
275 ;; this is also used in "(COLD-FIRSTTIME)"
276 : (ABORT-CLEANUP-MIN) ( -- )
278 r@ rp0! >r ;; this is so we will be able to return to the caller
281 (exc0!) ;; clear all exception frames
282 ;; 0 (self!) 0 (locptr!) -- this is done in the corresponding modules now
286 only forth definitions
290 $uservar "(ABORT-CLEANUP-RET)" ua_ofs_abort_cleanup_ret 0
293 ..: (ABORT-CLEANUP) ( -- )
294 sp0! r@ (abort-cleanup-ret) ! ;; this is so we will be able to return to the caller
299 tload-verbose-default to tload-verbose
300 (abort-cleanup-ret) @ >r
307 ;; just in case it returns
309 ; (noreturn) (hidden)
312 code: abort-cleanup ( )
313 jp ts:[ua_ofs_abort_cleanup_ptr]
317 jp ts:[ua_ofs_abort_ptr]
321 jp ts:[ua_ofs_error_ptr]
324 code: fatal-error ( code )
325 jp ts:[ua_ofs_fatal_error_ptr]
328 ..: (startup-init) ( -- )
329 ['] (abort
) (abort
) !
330 ['] (abort) (abort-ptr) !
331 ['] (error
) (error
) !
332 ['] (fatal-error) (fatal-error-ptr) !
336 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
337 ;; dump data stack (unlimited depth)
339 depth dup -if ." stack underflowed" cr drop exit endif
340 ?dup ifnot ." stack empty" cr exit endif
341 dup ." stack depth: " . cr
349 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
350 : error-table-msg," ( code -- ) \ msg"
351 ;; UrForth level 0 uses byte for error code, UrForth level 1 uses dword
353 34 parse dup n-allot swap move
354 0 c, ;; terminating zero for the string
358 ;; compile end of list
359 : error-table-end ( -- )
360 ;; UrForth level 0 uses two zero bytes, UrForth level 1 uses 4
365 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
367 34 (parse-and-unescape) [compile] sliteral ['] (abort
) state @
if compile
, else execute
370 : (?abort
) ( iftrue?
-- ) ( flag iftrue?
-- )
372 if [compile
] if else [compile
] ifnot
373 [compile
] abort
" ;; "
376 ifnot not
endif 34 (parse
) rot
if (abort
) else 2drop
380 : ?abort
" ( flag -- ) ;; "
381 true
384 : not
" ( flag -- ) ;; "
385 false