1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; UrForth level
1: self
32-bit Forth compiler
3 ;; Copyright
) 2020 Ketmar Dark
// Invisible Vector
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; yep
, this is not thread
8 $value
"(NUMBER-#-BASE)" 16
10 $value
14 ;; converts char
to digit
, without base checks
15 : (char
) ( ch
-- digit true
// false
17 [char
] 0 [char
] 9 bounds
] 0 - true endof
18 [char
] A
] Z bounds
] A
- 10 + true endof
19 [char
] a
] z bounds
] a
- 10 + true endof
20 drop false swap
;; so ch will be dropped
24 ;; converts the ascii
character c
(using base n1
) to its binary equivalent n2
25 ;; accompanied by a true flag
. if the conversion is invalid
, leaves only a false flag
26 : digit
( c n1
-- n2 true
// false
28 swap
) ifnot drop false
;; invalid digit
29 else 2dup
<= if 2drop false
else nip true
31 else 2drop false
endif ;; negative or zero base
34 : digit?
( ch base
-- flag
35 digit dup
if nip
39 ;; convert the ASCII text beginning at addr with regard
40 ;; the new value is accumulated into unsigned number u0
, being left as u1
41 ;; addr1 and count1 are unparsed part of the string
42 ;; will never
read more than count bytes
43 ;; doesn
't skip any spaces, doesn't parse prefixes and signs
45 : number
( addr count u0
-- addr1 count1 u1
47 >r
;; ( addr count | u
48 ;; first must be a digit
49 over c@ base @ digit?
54 dup
] _
= if drop
;; skip
56 base @ digit ifnot
break endif
67 ;; convert the ASCII text beginning at addr with regard
68 ;; the new value is accumulated into unsigned
double number ud0
, being left as ud1
69 ;; addr1 and count1 are unparsed part of the string
70 ;; will never
read more than count bytes
71 ;; doesn
't skip any spaces, doesn't parse prefixes and signs
73 : dnumber
( addr count ud0lo ud0hi
-- addr1 count1 ud1lo ud1hi
75 2>r
;; ( addr count | ud
76 ;; first must be a digit
77 over c@ base @ digit?
82 dup
] _
= if drop
;; skip
84 base @ digit ifnot
break endif
85 2r
> base @ uds* rot u
>d d
+ 2>r
94 : >number
( ud1 c
-addr1 u1
-- ud2 c
-addr2 u2
95 2swap dnumber
100 : number
( addr count
-- addr count newbase
101 dup
1- -if 0 exit
104 [char
] # of
) dup
1 37 within ifnot drop
0 endif endof
108 dup
if >r
/char r
> endif
111 : (number
) ( char checkdigit hexchar
-- newbase
// 0 )
112 swap
if over base @ digit?
if 2drop
0 exit
endif endif
123 ;; checkdigit
: check
if for a valid digit in a current base
(not needed
for "&...")
124 ;; hexchar
: character for hexadecimal
're different for "&..." and "0...")
125 : (number-parse-pfx-0&) ( addr count checkdigit hexchar -- addr count newbase )
126 2>r over 1+ c@ 2r> (number-base-char?)
127 dup if >r /2chars r> endif
130 : number-parse-pfx-0x& ( addr count -- addr count newbase )
131 dup 2 > ifnot 0 exit endif
133 [char] 0 of true [char] X endof
134 [char] & of false [char] H endof
137 dup if (number-parse-pfx-0&) endif
141 : number-parse-sfx ( addr count -- addr count newbase )
142 dup 2 > ifnot 0 exit endif
143 2dup + 1- c@ true [char] H (number-base-char?)
144 dup if swap 1- swap endif
148 ;; will return base according to prefix/suffix, and remove pfx/sfx from the string
149 ;; returns 0 if no special base change found
150 : number-parse-pfx-sfx ( addr count -- addr count newbase )
151 number-parse-pfx-sigil ?dup if exit endif
152 number-parse-pfx-0x& ?dup if exit endif
156 : number-check-sign ( addr count -- addr count negflag )
160 [char] - of /char rdrop true >r endof
161 [char] + of /char endof
167 ;; parse prefix/suffix, and possible sign
169 ;; newbase can be zero if it isn't changed
170 : number
( addr count
-- addr count negflag newbase
171 (number
) if
172 number
>r number
-sfx r
> swap
173 else ;; ans
/2012 idiocity
174 number
>r number
-sign r
179 ;; convert a
character string left at addr
to a signed number
, using the current numeric base
180 : number
( addr count
-- n true
// false
181 dup
0<= if 2drop false exit
endif ;; check length
182 ;; ok
, we have at least one valid char
183 number
184 base @
>r ?dup
if base
! endif
185 nrot
;; ( negflag addr count
186 ;; zero count means
187 dup
0> ifnot
;; no number chars besides a prefix
188 r
> base
! ;; restore base
189 2drop drop false exit
;; exit with failure
191 0 number
-simple r
> base
! ;; ( negflag addr count u
192 ;; if not fully parsed
, it is nan
193 swap
if drop
2drop false exit
194 ;; ( negflag addr u
195 nip swap
if negate
200 ;; compares ch with delimiter delim
201 ;; for BL delimiter
, coerces all control chars
to space
202 ;; will be called only when c is BL
203 : (parsebl
=) ( delim ch
-- flag
) nip bl
<= ; (hidden
205 ;; scans TIB
, returns parsed word
206 ;; doesn
't do any copying
207 ;; trailing delimiter is skipped
208 : (parse) ( c skip-leading-delim? -- addr count )
209 swap 0xff and ?dup ifnot bl endif swap ;; protection for zero delimiter
210 over bl = if ['] (parsebl
=) else ['] = endif >r ;; get compare word cfa
211 ;; skip leading delimiters?
212 if begin dup tib-peekch r@ execute while tib-getch not-until endif
213 >in @ swap 0 ;; save starting position, push dummy char
214 begin ( delim oldch ) drop tib-getch dup while ( delim ch ) 2dup r@ execute until
215 rdrop >r drop ;; we need to subtract 1 if last char is not zero
216 >in @ over - r> if 1- 0 max endif swap tib @ + swap
217 \ endcr over .hex8 space dup . 2dup type space (tib-last-read-char@) . cr
221 : parse-skip-blanks ( -- ) begin tib-peekch ?dup while bl <= while tib-skipch repeat ;
222 : parse-skip-blanks-no-eol ( -- ) begin tib-peekch ?dup while dup bl > swap nl = or not-while tib-skipch repeat ;
223 \ this doesn't skip EOL itself
224 : parse
( -- ) (tib
) nl
= ifnot begin tib
-peekch ?dup
while nl
<> while tib
-skipch repeat
endif ;
227 ;; (* .... *) -- opening eaten
228 : skip
( -- ) begin tib
-getch ?dup
while [char
] * = tib
] ) = and until tib
230 ;; nested multiline comment
231 ;; (( .... )) -- opening eaten
232 : skip
( -- )
233 1 ;; current comment level
234 begin tib
-getch ?dup
235 8 lshift tib
-peekch or case
236 0x2828 of tib
1+ endof
;; ((
237 0x2929 of tib
1- endof
;; ))
244 : (parse
) ( -- )
245 tib
;; setup
249 : (parse
) ( skipcfa
-- )
250 tib
-skipch tib
;; skip starting chars
254 : parse
( -- )
257 false tib
8 lshift
1 tib
-n or case
258 0x3b3b of
) endof
;; ;;
259 0x2f2f of
) endof
;; //
260 0x282a of
['] skip-comment-multiline (parse-skip-comments-multi) endof ;; (*
261 0x2828 of ['] skip
) endof
;; ((
268 : (word
) ( c skip
-- here
270 1020 umin
;; truncate length
271 dup here
! ;; set counter
272 here cell
+ swap move
;; copy string
273 here count
+ 0c
! ;; put trailing zero byte
277 ;; WARNING
! it is using
"HERE", so
"DP-TEMP" is in effect
278 ;; artificial word length limit
: 1020 chars
279 ;; longer words will be properly scanned
, but truncated
280 ;; adds trailing zero after the string
(but doesn
't include it in count)
281 ;; string is cell-counted
282 : word ( c -- wordhere ) true (word-or-parse) ;
283 : parse-to-here ( c -- wordhere ) false (word-or-parse) ;
285 : parse ( c -- addr count ) false (parse) ; ;; parse, don't skip leading delimiters
286 : parse
( -- addr count
) bl true
) ; ;; parse
, skip leading delimiters