locals: cosmetix
[urforth.git] / level0 / urforth0_w_tib.asm
1 ;; Native x86 GNU/Linux Forth System, Direct Threaded Code
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;;
5 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 ;;
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
19 urword_value "(DEFAULT-#TIB)",par_default_tib_size,1024
20 urword_hidden
22 ;; this will be patched by the startup code
23 urword_value "(DEFAULT-TIB)",par_default_tib,0
24 urword_hidden
27 urword_var "TIB", tib, 0 ;fdata_tib
28 urword_var "#TIB", tibsize, 0 ;fdata_tib_end-fdata_tib
29 urword_var ">IN", inptr, 0
30 urword_var "TIB-LINE#",tiblineno,0
32 ;; "TIB-GETCH" will set this if last read char is not EOL
33 ;; parsing words will set this too, as if they're using "TIB-GETCH"
34 urword_var "(TIB-LAST-READ-CHAR)",par_last_read_char,0
36 urword_value "(LAST-TLOAD-PATH-ADDR)",par_last_tload_path,0
38 ;; size of TIB save buffer
39 urword_const "#TIB-SAVE-BUFFER",tib_save_buffer_size,4+4+4+4+4
41 ;; current file we are interpreting
42 urword_const "(#TIB-CURR-FNAME)",par_tib_curr_fname_size,4096
43 urword_hidden
44 ;; c4str
45 urword_value "(TIB-CURR-FNAME)",par_tib_curr_fname,0
46 urword_hidden
49 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
50 urword_code "TIBSTATE>R",par_tibstate_rpush
51 rpushmem [fvar_tib_data]
52 rpushmem [fvar_tibsize_data]
53 rpushmem [fvar_inptr_data]
54 rpushmem [fvar_tiblineno_data]
55 rpushmem [fvar_par_last_read_char_data]
56 urnext
57 urword_end
59 urword_code "R>TIBSTATE",par_tibstate_rpop
60 rpopmem [fvar_par_last_read_char_data]
61 rpopmem [fvar_tiblineno_data]
62 rpopmem [fvar_inptr_data]
63 rpopmem [fvar_tibsize_data]
64 rpopmem [fvar_tib_data]
65 urnext
66 urword_end
68 urword_code "RDROP-TIBSTATE",par_tibstate_rdrop
69 add ERP,4+4+4+4+4
70 urnext
71 urword_end
74 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
75 urword_forth "TIB-DEFAULT?",tib_is_default
76 UF tib @ par_default_tib equal
77 urword_end
79 urword_forth "TIB-RESET",tib_reset
80 ; reset TIB
81 UF par_default_tib tib !
82 UF par_default_tib_size tibsize !
83 UF inptr 0poke
84 UF tiblineno 0poke
85 UF 0
86 urto par_last_tload_path
87 urword_end
90 if 0
91 urword_forth "TIB-PEEKCH",tib_peekch
92 ;; ( -- ch-or-0 )
93 UF inptr @ tibsize @ uless
94 ur_if
95 UF tib @ inptr @ + cpeek
96 UF qdup
97 ur_ifnot
98 UF 32
99 ur_endif
100 ur_else
101 UF 0
102 ur_endif
103 urword_end
105 urword_forth "TIB-GETCH",tib_getch
106 ;; ( -- ch-or-0 )
107 UF tib_peekch dup
108 ur_if
109 UF 1 inptr addpoke
110 UF dup 10 equal
111 ur_if
112 UF tiblineno @
113 ur_if
114 UF 1 tiblineno addpoke
115 ur_endif
116 ur_endif
117 UF dup par_last_read_char !
118 ur_endif
119 urword_end
121 else
123 urword_code "TIB-PEEKCH",tib_peekch
124 ;; ( -- ch-or-0 )
125 ;; will never be negative
126 push TOS
127 xor TOS,TOS
128 ld eax,[fvar_inptr_data]
129 cp eax,dword [fvar_tibsize_data]
130 jr nc,@f
131 add eax,[fvar_tib_data]
132 movzx TOS,byte [eax]
133 ; convert zero to 32
134 ld eax,32
135 or cl,cl
136 cmovz ecx,eax
138 urnext
139 urword_end
141 urword_code "TIB-GETCH",tib_getch
142 ;; ( -- ch-or-0 )
143 ;; will never be negative
144 push TOS
145 xor TOS,TOS
146 ld eax,[fvar_inptr_data]
147 cp eax,dword [fvar_tibsize_data]
148 jr nc,@f
149 add eax,[fvar_tib_data]
150 movzx TOS,byte [eax]
151 ; convert zero to 32
152 ld eax,32
153 or cl,cl
154 cmovz ecx,eax
155 ; update last read char
156 ld [fvar_par_last_read_char_data],TOS
157 ; update position
158 inc dword [fvar_inptr_data]
159 ; update current line
160 cp cl,10
161 jr nz,@f
162 cp dword [fvar_tiblineno_data],0
163 jr z,@f
164 inc dword [fvar_tiblineno_data]
166 urnext
167 urword_end
168 end if
171 if 0
172 urword_forth "TIB-CALC-CURRLINE",tib_calc_currline
173 ;; ( -- linenum-1 )
174 ;; returns line number for the current TIB position
175 UF 0
176 UF inptr @
177 ur_if
178 UF inptr @ tib @ + tib @
179 ur_do
180 UF i cpeek 10 equal
181 ur_if
182 UF 1inc
183 ur_endif
184 ur_loop
185 ur_endif
186 else
187 urword_code "TIB-CALC-CURRLINE",tib_calc_currline
188 ;; ( -- linenum-1 )
189 ;; returns line number for the current TIB position
190 push TOS
191 ld edi,[fvar_tib_data]
192 ld ecx,[fvar_inptr_data]
193 ld al,10
194 xor edx,edx ; line counter
196 cp ecx,1
197 jr l,@f
198 repne scasb
199 jr nz,@f
200 inc edx
201 jr @b
203 ld TOS,edx
204 urnext
205 end if
206 urword_end
209 urword_forth "ACCEPT",accept
210 ;; ( addr maxlen -- readlen // -1 )
211 UF dup 0 lessequ errid_input_too_long qerror
212 UF 0
213 ;; ( addr maxlen currcount )
214 ur_begin
215 UF key
216 ; eof or cr or lf?
217 UF dup 0xffffffff equal
218 UF over 10 equal or
219 UF over 13 equal or
220 UF not
221 ur_while
222 ;; ( addr maxlen currcount char )
223 UF rpush
224 ;; can we put it?
225 UF 2dup great
226 ur_if
227 ;; yep, store
228 ;; ( addr maxlen currcount | char )
229 UF rot rpop over cpoke 1inc nrot 1inc
230 ur_else
231 ;; nope
232 UF rdrop ;; drop char, we have no room for it
233 ;; need a bell?
234 UF 2dup equal
235 ur_if
236 UF bell
237 UF 1inc
238 ur_endif
239 ur_endif
240 ur_repeat
241 ;; ( addr maxlen currcount char )
242 UF 0xffffffff nequ
243 ur_if
244 UF par_reset_emitcol ;; because OS did cr (i hope)
245 ur_endif
246 ;; check for overflow
247 UF 2dup less
248 ur_if
249 ;; oops, overflow
250 UF 2drop drop 0xffffffff
251 ur_else
252 UF nrot 2drop
253 ur_endif
254 urword_end
257 urword_forth "REFILL",refill
258 ;; ( -- flag )
259 ;; either refills TIB and sets flag to true, or does nothing and sets flag to false
260 UF tib_is_default
261 ur_if
262 ur_begin
263 UF tib @ tibsize @ 1dec accept
264 UF dup 0less
265 ur_while
266 UF drop
267 UF endcr pardottype "ERROR: ACCEPT buffer overflow" cr
268 ur_repeat
269 ;UF tib @ over type 124 emit dup . cr
270 ;; put trailing zero
271 UF tib @ + 0poke
272 UF inptr 0poke
273 UF 1
274 ur_else
275 UF 0
276 ur_endif
277 urword_end