locals: cosmetix
[urforth.git] / samples / uroof_sample.f
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; UrForth level 1: self-hosting 32-bit Forth compiler
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6 ;; slightly more complicated OO system than mini-oof
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 use-lib: oof
11 0 oop:class
12 class-field clsvar
13 field x
14 field y
15 method init
16 method xy!
17 method .xy
18 class-method clsinit
19 end-class: Object
21 .( Object cls=) Object .hex8 cr
23 Object method: clsinit ( -- )
24 endcr ." clsinit: cls=" self .hex8 cr
25 42 to clsvar
26 endcr ." class init! clsvar=" clsvar . cr
29 Object method: init ( -- )
30 ." init " class-name type ." (" static-class-name type ." ) ! self=" self .hex8
31 ." class=" my-class .hex8 cr
32 .xy cr
33 ." clsvar=" clsvar . cr
34 clsinit
35 42 to x 666 to y
36 .xy cr
39 Object method: .xy ( -- ) ." x=" x . ." y=" y 0 .r ;
41 Object ::invoke Object clsinit
43 Object oop:new-allot value obj
44 obj .hex8 cr
46 obj ::invoke Object init
48 order
49 (self@) . cr
50 .stack
53 Object oop:class
54 method child-mt
55 field child-var
56 class-method child-class-mt
57 class-field child-cv
58 method dispatch-test
59 method (unknown-dispatch) ( ... addr count -- )
60 end-class: Child
62 Child method: init ( -- )
63 ." init " class-name type ." (" static-class-name type ." ) ! self=" self .hex8
64 ." class=" my-class .hex8 cr
65 call-super
66 ." child inited; " .xy cr
67 ." :0:x=" self var^ x @ . cr
68 \ ." :1:x=" addr: x @ . cr
69 ." :1:x=" to^ x @ . cr
70 inherited clsinit
73 Child method: .xy ( -- ) ." [" inherited .xy ." ]" ;
75 Child method: (unknown-dispatch) ( ... addr count -- )
76 ." UNKNOWN DISPATCH \`" type ." \` in self=0x" self .hex8 cr
79 Child method: dispatch-test ( -- )
80 ." testing dispatch: self=0x" self .hex8 ." class=0x" my-class .hex8 cr
81 \ " child-cv" dispatch-str
82 " child-mt" dispatch-str
83 ." dispatch complete: self=0x" self .hex8 cr
84 ." dispatch class: " self invoke class-name type cr
85 ." static class: 0x" static-class .hex8 cr
88 Child oop:new-allot value childobj
89 childobj .hex8 cr
91 childobj ::invoke Object init
93 obj ::invoke Object init
95 : a childobj ::invoke Object init ;
98 Child method: child-class-mt child-cv . cr 69 to child-cv ." Child class method; " child-cv . cr ;
99 Child method: child-mt child-var . cr 666 to child-var ." childcv! " child-cv . child-var . cr ;
101 Child Child:: child-class-mt
102 childobj Child:: child-mt
104 childobj ::invoke Child dispatch-test
106 childobj " child-yy" ::dispatch-str
107 childobj " dispatch-test" ::dispatch-str
108 childobj " child-xx" ::dispatch-str
109 childobj " child-mt" ::dispatch-str
110 childobj ." *** class name: " ::invoke Object class-name type cr
112 childobj ::invoke Child x ." x=" . cr
114 order
115 (self@) . cr
116 .stack