turned off interactive debugger (but still generate debug info for backtraces; i...
[urforth.git] / level1 / 19_dbg_info.f
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; UrForth level 1: self-hosting 32-bit Forth compiler
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
4 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; temp debug buffer just stores dword line and dword PC
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
10 ;; final info buffer:
12 ;; header:
13 ;; dw itemcount ; files with more that 64kb lines? 'cmon!
14 ;; dw firstline ; files with more that 64kb lines? 'cmon!
15 ;; dd filename-c1strz ; this points to special hidden buffer word, or 0
17 ;; items:
18 ;; db pcoffs ; offset from the previous PC (first: from the CFA)
19 ;; db lineofs ; offset from the previous line
21 ;; if lineofs is 255, next word is 16-bit line offset
22 ;; if pcofs is 255, next word is 16-bit line offset
24 ;; the compiler doesn't store each PC, it only stores line changes
25 ;; that is, the range for the line lasts until the next item
26 ;; items should be sorted by PC (but the code should not fail on
27 ;; unsorted data)
30 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
31 $constant "(DBGBUF-MAXSIZE)" 1024*64
32 (hidden)
34 $value "(DBGINFO-ENABLED?)" 1
35 (hidden)
36 $value "(DBGINFO-ACTIVE?)" 0
37 (hidden)
39 $value "(DBGBUF-BASE-ADDR)" 0
40 (hidden)
41 $value "(DBGBUF-END-ADDR)" 0
42 (hidden)
44 $variable "(DBGBUF-CURR-ADDR)" 0
45 (hidden)
48 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
49 ;; list of known source files
50 ;; structure:
51 ;; dd nextptr ;; or 0
52 ;; dd dpptr ;; in code area
54 $variable "(dbg-file-list-head)" 0
55 (hidden)
57 ;; does no checks
58 ;; also, list of know files is not stored in SAVEd binary
59 : (dbg-add-file) ( addr count -- straddr )
60 2 cells brk-alloc
61 (dbg-file-list-head) @ over !
62 dup (dbg-file-list-head) ! cell+
63 here swap !
64 ;; copy string
65 dup 1+ n-allot dup >r
66 2dup c! 1+ swap 0 max cmove
68 ; (hidden)
70 ;; this can return 0
71 : (dbg-find-or-add-file) ( addr count -- straddr )
72 dp-temp @ if 0 exit endif ;; no file info for temp definitions
73 str-extract-name ?dup if
74 (dbg-file-list-head)
75 begin @ ?dup while >r
76 2dup r@ cell+ @ bcount s= if
77 2drop r> cell+ @ exit
78 endif
79 r> repeat
80 ;; add new
81 (dbg-add-file)
82 else drop 0 endif
83 ; (hidden)
86 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
87 : debug-info-off ( -- )
88 false to (dbginfo-enabled?)
89 false to (dbginfo-active?)
90 (dbgbuf-base-addr) ?dup if 0! endif
93 : debug-info-on ( -- )
94 (dbgbuf-base-addr) if true to (dbginfo-enabled?) else debug-info-off endif
98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
99 : (DBGINFO-RESET) ( -- )
100 (dbgbuf-base-addr) (dbgbuf-curr-addr) !
101 false to (dbginfo-active?)
102 ;; set first line to 0 (to ease checks in "add-pc")
103 (dbgbuf-base-addr) ?dup if 0! endif
104 ; (hidden)
106 : (dbginfo-reset-activate) ( -- ) (dbginfo-reset) true to (dbginfo-active?) ; (hidden)
109 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
110 : (DBGINFO-ADD-PC) ( pc line -- )
111 ;; never put zero line
112 ?dup ifnot drop exit endif
113 ;; special? -1 items means "out of room"
114 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) @ ?dup ifnot 2drop exit endif
115 ( pc line dbgbufaddr )
116 ;; check if the line is the same (if we have no lines, there will be zero)
117 2dup @ = if drop 2drop exit endif
118 ;; check if we have enough room
119 dup 3 +cells (dbgbuf-end-addr) u> if
120 ;; out of buffer, abort debug info generation
121 drop 2drop (dbgbuf-curr-addr) 0!
122 exit
123 endif
124 ;; put line and pc
125 ( pc line dbgbufaddr )
126 tuck ! cell+ ;; line
127 tuck ! cell+ ;; pc
128 ;; put current line number to the next item (for equality check above)
129 dup 2 -cells @ over !
130 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) !
131 ; (hidden)
134 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
135 : (DBGINFO-ADD-HERE) ( -- )
136 ;; put debug info
137 dp-temp @ ifnot ;; no debug info for temporary words
138 (dbginfo-active?) (dbginfo-enabled?) logand if
139 here tib-curr-line (dbginfo-add-pc)
140 endif
141 endif
145 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
146 ;; create compressed debug info, set dfa
148 ;; let's use globals here, because why not?
149 $value "(dbginfo-cpbuf-start)" 0
150 $value "(dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos)" 0
151 $value "(dbginfo-cpbuf-currline)" 0
152 $value "(dbginfo-cpbuf-currpc)" 0
154 : (dbginfo-build-byte) ( b -- )
155 (dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos) c!
156 (dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos) 1+ to (dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos)
159 : (dbginfo-build-word) ( w -- )
160 dup 0xff and (dbginfo-build-byte)
161 8 rshift (dbginfo-build-byte)
164 : (dbginfo-build-dword) ( dw -- )
165 dup 0xffff and (dbginfo-build-word)
166 16 rshift (dbginfo-build-word)
170 ;; prerequisite: debug info must exist, and must not be empty
171 : (dbginfo-build-compressed) ( destbuf -- destbuf size )
172 ;; build file name (do it here, because it may allocate at here)
173 (tib-curr-fname) count (dbg-find-or-add-file) >r
174 ;; init vars
175 dup to (dbginfo-cpbuf-start)
176 to (dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos)
177 ;; get starting line
178 (dbgbuf-base-addr) @ to (dbginfo-cpbuf-currline)
179 ;; get starting PC
180 latest-cfa to (dbginfo-cpbuf-currpc)
181 ;; create header
182 ;; item count (we know that in advance)
183 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) @ (dbgbuf-base-addr) - 3 rshift (dbginfo-build-word)
184 ;; first line
185 (dbginfo-cpbuf-currline) (dbginfo-build-word)
186 ;; file name
187 r> (dbginfo-build-dword)
188 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) @ (dbgbuf-base-addr) do
189 ;; db pcoffs ; offset from the previous PC (first: from the CFA)
190 ;; db lineofs ; offset from the previous line
192 ;; if lineofs is 255, next word is 16-bit line offset
193 ;; if pcofs is 255, next word is 16-bit line offset
194 ;; PC
195 i cell+ @ (dbginfo-cpbuf-currpc) - dup 255 < if
196 ;; 8-bit offset
197 (dbginfo-build-byte)
198 else
199 ;; 16-bit offset
200 255 (dbginfo-build-byte)
201 (dbginfo-build-word)
202 endif
203 ;; update current PC
204 i cell+ @ to (dbginfo-cpbuf-currpc)
205 ;; line number
206 i @ (dbginfo-cpbuf-currline) - dup 255 < if
207 ;; 8-bit offset
208 (dbginfo-build-byte)
209 else
210 ;; 16-bit offset
211 255 (dbginfo-build-byte)
212 (dbginfo-build-word)
213 endif
214 ;; update current line
215 i @ to (dbginfo-cpbuf-currline)
216 2 cells +loop
217 ;; return addr and size
218 (dbginfo-cpbuf-start) (dbginfo-cpbuf-curpos) over -
221 : (dbginfo-finalize-and-copy) ( -- )
222 (dbginfo-active?) (dbginfo-enabled?) logand if
223 (dbgbuf-base-addr) ?dup if
224 @ if
225 ;; save current PC
226 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) @ 0! (dbginfo-add-here)
227 ;; compressed should never be bigger than the original
228 (dbgbuf-curr-addr) @ (dbgbuf-base-addr) - 4 +cells simple-malloc throw dup >r
229 (dbginfo-build-compressed)
230 ;; save here to debug info field
231 here latest-nfa nfa->dfa !
232 dup n-allot ( addr bytes rva-newaddr )
233 swap 0 max cmove
234 r> simple-free throw
235 endif
236 endif
237 endif
238 ;; always deactivate
239 (dbginfo-reset)
243 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
244 ..: (startup-init) ( -- )
245 (dbgbuf-maxsize) ?dup if
246 brk-alloc
247 dup to (dbgbuf-base-addr) (dbgbuf-maxsize) + 1- to (dbgbuf-end-addr)
248 (dbg-file-list-head) 0!
249 else
250 0 to (dbgbuf-base-addr)
251 0 to (dbgbuf-end-addr)
252 false to (dbginfo-enabled?)
253 false to (dbginfo-active?)
254 endif
255 (dbgbuf-base-addr) ?dup if 0! endif
258 $else
260 \ this may be used by the external tools (assembler, for example)
261 : (dbginfo-reset) ; (hidden) immediate-noop
262 : (dbginfo-reset-activate) ; (hidden) immediate-noop
264 $endif