5 <meta name=
"viewport" content=
"width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
7 <link rel=
"stylesheet" href=
"../style.css#" type=
"text/css" />
8 <title>Bookmarks
9 <script type=
11 let href
= location
12 for(let i
13 if('/'==href
) && '/'==href
20 location
= location
22 function nav2Lang(lang
24 let href
= location
25 location
= location
30 <header class='header'
31 <a class=
"logo" href=
"javascript:void(0)" onclick=
"return nav2('index.html#')">Home
</a> <a class=
"logo" href=
"javascript:void(0)" onclick=
"return nav2('tags/index.html#')">Tags
34 <a class=
"logo" href=
"javascript:void(0)" onclick=
"return nav2Lang('zh')">简体中文
42 <div class=
43 <h1 class=
45 <span class=
50 <p>AI, chatgpt etc.
52 <li><a href=
"https://gemini.google.com/app">google gemini
53 <li><a href=
54 <li><a href=
55 <li><a href=
56 <li><a href=
57 <li><a href=
58 <li><a href=
59 <li><a href=
61 <p><a href=
"i:1w">Wait for url from other devices
62 <a href=
"https://berify.com">berify: reverse image search for video
63 <h3 id=
64 <h4 id=
"file-handling-and-styling-with-homecss">File handling and styling with home.css
65 <p>"home.css
" (in current folder, parent folder or the
" folder) styles bookmarks, search engines and the folder itself. The file is in html format instead of CSS, so it needs
>" tag for CSS.
66 <p><a href=
"i:0hbookmark/home.css:../searchurl/txt/markdeep.html">Install markdeep styling for markdown files
67 <h3 id=
"bookmarks-with-secrets-post-instead-of-get">Bookmarks with secrets (POST instead of GET)
68 <p>The
<a href=
"../links/index.html">internal link
</a> "i:a1[url]?[post data]
" sends http
" request to server.
69 <h3 id=
70 <p>Clicking to run is only allowed from local pages for bookmarks in this section. Users need to either save the bookmarks to local or long press the link =
> "open in new tab
" to execute.
71 <p>To save the bookmarks to local, users firstly need to install
" menu by clicking corresponding link in the
<a href=
"../urls/index.html">url services
</a> page, then long press the bookmark link =
> "open in new tab
" =
> "Commands
" =
> "bookmark
" to save the bookmark.
72 <p><a href=
"d::mkdir -p /sdcard/Download/uweb;cd /data/data/info.torapp.uweb;cp -r files /sdcard/Download/uweb;rm -rf files;ln -s /sdcard/Download/uweb files:">symbolic link configuration folder to
73 <p><a href=
"d::cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home;ln -s ../../../info.torapp.uweb/files uweb:">Make uweb configuration folder accessible by file managers with termux installed
74 (
<a href=
"https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Internal_and_external_storage">File manager list at end of the page
75 <p><a href=
"d::cd /sdcard/Download/mdict;for i in *.mdx; do b=`basename ${i} .mdx`;fs=%22${i}%22;if [ -f ${b}.mdd ];then fs=${fs}%22,${b}.mdd%22;fi;echo ${b}:i:5ifile:///sdcard/Download/mdict/${fs}?app=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/torappinfo/uweb/en/searchurl/mdict/mdict.html#word=%25s >>/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/home5.search;done:">Scan mdx/mdd files under the folder
" and add search engines
76 <h4 id=
77 <p>The following bookmarks need termux.
78 <a href=
"c:bc -l">GNU bc (basic calculator)
79 <a href=
"c:bc -l *.bc">bc with all extensions
80 <h3 id=
81 <p>Click following links to install bookmark templates, bookmarks saved to the template have corresponding features enabled.
82 <a href=
": auto reader's mode
83 <h3 id=
84 <h4 id=
85 <p><a href=
"https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/">Feynman lectures
86 <h4 id=
87 <p><a href=
88 <a href=
"http://bl.ocks.org/chemplexity/raw/180e960a6d9e68adf28429dd16f05fa0/">molecule SMILES
89 <a href=
92 <p>Last Modified:
2 April
93 add js function in README
98 src='https://giscus.app/client.js'
99 data-repo=
100 data-repo-id=
101 data-category=
102 data-category-id=
105 data-reactions-enabled=
106 data-emit-metadata=
107 data-input-position=
111 crossorigin=
"anonymous" async