ebrowser v1.0.51: download.json to add user-defined context-menu
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22 function nav2Lang(lang){
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36 <br />
38 <div class="container">
39 <h1 class="title">Downloads
40 <br>
41 <span class="subtitle"></span>
42 </h1>
43 <ul class="tags">
45 </ul>
46 <p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/TorApp-Info-uweb-browser-for-geeks/dp/B098QPR6N5">Amazon appstore</a></p>
47 <p><a href="https://galaxy.store/uweb">Galaxy.Store</a></p>
48 <p><a href="https://s1.asytech.cn/s/tQrgT5kBRg8Trry">uweb, termux &amp; history versions</a></p>
49 <p><a href="https://github.com/torappinfo/uweb/releases/tag/v1">github</a></p>
50 <p><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/uwebbrowser/files/v1/">sourceforge</a></p>
51 <p><a href="https://my.powerfolder.com/getlink/fi61cC6VHjK72tfufmnLAz/">powerfolder</a></p>
52 <p><a href="https://www.udrop.com/folder/08ba413230f465ca0901bef68e857c0b/uweb">udrop</a></p>
53 <p><a href="https://releases.pagure.org/uwebapk/">pagure</a></p>
54 <p><a href="http://pan.mcbebbs.cn/s/dJ4t8">mcbebbs</a></p>
55 <h4 id="main-featuresreadmeindexhtml"><a href="../readme/index.html">Main features</a></h4>
56 <h4 id="change-logs">Change logs</h4>
57 <p>1048: enhance file downloading. Previous versions may fail for few sites.<br>
58 1047: add huge markdown file viewer<br>
59 1038: support chatBot as search engine with url &quot;i:0/js/hash2textarea.js:https://XXX&quot;<br>
60 1036: TV mode: reuse &quot;engine.search&quot; as live TV channel urls.<br>
61 1034: click share button on homescreen to process clipboard text.<br>
62 1030: Allow downloading with global redirection<br>
63 1026: Test automation: enable i:0 urls in scripting mode<br>
64 1017: crontab alarm clock and <a href="../links/index.html">links</a> as sixth field.<br>
65 1008: Add long screenshot mode<br>
66 1006: Advanced configuration: auto reload, download path<br>
67 1004: bookmarklet &quot;Show as html&quot; to support clipboard sites such as &quot;netcut.cn&quot;.<br>
68 998: <a href="../rjs/index.html">Bookmarklets</a> to support CSP sites.<br>
69 991: <a href="../redirect/index.html">global url redirection</a> support.<br>
70 988: <a href="../adblock_domain/index.html">hosts</a> file to support response headers.<br>
71 985: <a href="../links/index.html">Special urls</a> to support shortcut keys such as ctrl-a to ctrl-z.<br>
72 983: support <a href="../adblock_domain/index.html">&quot;hosts&quot;</a> file domain name resolving (no root needed), only single space allowed as separator for ip address and domain name.<br>
73 975: <a href="../bookmark/index.html">Bookmarks</a> to support styling for markdown etc.<br>
74 971: <a href="../links/index.html">multiple type profiles</a>: switch any data including website logins, user configurations orthogonally.<br>
75 964: site source html preprocessing before rendering with user <a href="../sitejs/index.html">site extra html</a>.<br>
76 961: webdav/http file upload support with <a href="../links/index.html">&quot;i:0u&quot; links</a>.<br>
77 955: Address bar: <a href="../acmd/index.html">&quot;:!&quot; or &quot;!&quot;</a> for command line support (.js/.sh files as executables).<br>
78 949: Address bar: &quot;:p [width in milliInch]x[height]&quot; to generate PDF in custom size<br>
79 946: Option &quot;use offline cache&quot; to support serverless local websites.</p>
80 <p>945: commands to support evaluation of generated js code.</p>
81 <p>943: Multiple home screens support .mht (offline webpage), .search &amp; .html local files.</p>
82 <p>940: <a href="../url2site/index.html">Any urls as website</a> with local html processing (<a href="../links/index.html">&quot;i:0m/..../xxx.html:url&quot;</a>)</p>
83 <p>935:</p>
84 <ul>
85 <li>Pipe support: command line output to uweb tabs.</li>
86 </ul>
87 <p>934:</p>
88 <ul>
89 <li>Serverless local sites: PWA-kind web extension (chrome .crx &amp; firefox .xpi) support.</li>
90 <li>PWAs and web extensions to be used as search engines, ex. kiwix zim as search engines.</li>
91 </ul>
93 </div>
94 <p>Last Modified: 5 May 2024<br>
95 enhance downloading<br>
96 <pre></pre>
97 </p>
99 <script id='jsgiscus'
100 src='https://giscus.app/client.js'
101 data-repo="torappinfo/uweb"
102 data-repo-id="MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDIyMDU3MjE="
103 data-category="Announcements"
104 data-category-id="DIC_kwDOEgNLGc4CQjsh"
105 data-mapping="title"
106 data-strict="0"
107 data-reactions-enabled="1"
108 data-emit-metadata="0"
109 data-input-position="top"
110 data-theme="light"
111 data-lang="en"
112 data-loading="lazy"
113 crossorigin="anonymous" async>
114 </script>
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118 &copy; 2018-2024 Richard H. Cao
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