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44 <h1 class="title">cron
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46 <span class="subtitle"></span>
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51 <h4 id="crontab-with-enhanced-semantics">crontab (with enhanced semantics)</h4>
52 <p>Some battery restrictions on android 13+ may disallow new instance of uweb browser by alarm events. Users can either keep uweb instance (no battery consumption) or remove the restriction for uweb.</p>
53 <p>For performance, the file &quot;crontab&quot; uses single space as field separator. Letters are not suppored currently. So use &quot;1&quot; for &quot;January&quot; and 2 for &quot;Tuesday&quot; etc.</p>
54 <p>The sixth field in crontab file could be in the format of <a href="../links/index.html#">internal links</a>. Specifically, &quot;c:&quot; to execute the following commands in termux and &quot;!&quot; to execute commands directly. If the sixth field is not in any of above formats, then the field will appear as the message of alarm clock.</p>
55 <p>To make crontab more powerful, we changed the semantics as follows:<br>
56 The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields — day of month, and day of week. The command will be run when <span style="color:red">both</span> fields matche the current time.</p>
57 <p>Note (the original crantab semantics):<br>
58 The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields — day of month, and day of week. If both fields are restricted (i.e., aren't *), the command will be run when either field matches the current time. For example, &quot;30 4 1,15 * 5&quot; would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday.</p>
59 <h5 id="make-crontab-persist-after-os-rebooting">make crontab persist after OS rebooting</h5>
60 <p>If uweb browser was launched at least once after rebooting, the crontab jobs are scheduled as normal.</p>
61 <p>To keep crontab take effect without launching uweb browser once:</p>
62 <ul>
63 <li>Install the &quot;com.termux.boot&quot; and &quot;com.termux&quot; Apps.</li>
64 <li>Create an executable file in termux under the folder &quot;~/.termux/boot/&quot; containing the two lines:<br>
65 #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh<br>
66 am broadcast -n info.torapp.uweb/.AlarmReceiver --es uweb.line &quot;&quot;</li>
67 <li>Launch &quot;com.termux.boot&quot; once.</li>
68 </ul>
69 <h4 id="tcron">tcron</h4>
70 <p>With the option &quot;custom file handling&quot; enabled, &quot;default.rc&quot; runs as shell script at uweb launching time and &quot;default.rc2&quot; runs whenever uweb becomes foreground.</p>
71 <p>Use tcron (<a href="i:0b">Click to install</a>) with &quot;default.rc&quot; or &quot;default.rc2&quot;.</p>
72 <p>usage: tcron logfile command hours [timezone delay_sec elsecommand]<br>
73 execute &quot;command&quot; during time interval once.<br>
74 where logfile modification time must be updated if &quot;command&quot; runs successfully.</p>
75 <p>hours: If positive, then each day is divided into multiple intervals (unit: hour), and in each interval, the &quot;command&quot; runs only once.<br>
76 If negative, then the unit is minute.<br>
77 hours could be also in &quot;hh:mm-hh:mm,...&quot; format. Ex. &quot;6:00-8:30,11:00-13:00,5:30-6:30&quot;.<br>
78 timezone: an integer, default to be &quot;8&quot; for Beijing China (UTC+8). &quot;0&quot; for Greenwich UK (UTC+0).<br>
79 delay_sec: execute &quot;command&quot; after &quot;delay_sec&quot; seconds.<br>
80 elsecommand: executed whenever &quot;command&quot; not run.</p>
81 <p>ex:<br>
82 set PATH=/system/bin:/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/bin<br>
83 #Empty the folder &quot;baidu&quot; every 30 days.<br>
84 tcron /sdcard/b &quot;rm -rf /sdcard/baidu/*;toybox touch /sdcard/b&quot; 720</p>
85 <p><a target="_self" href="i:0hdefault.rc:../searchurl/txt/default.rc">Install example default.rc file for termux</a></p>
87 </div>
88 <p>Last Modified: 27 August 2024<br>
89 update<br>
90 <pre></pre>
91 </p>
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