1 Video4Linux 2 -> Video4Linux 1 Capture Device
2 =============================================
4 v4l1_capture is a userspace v4l1 device that connects
5 to an under lying v4l2 device and allows you to access
6 the device using the v4l1 capture API.
11 fusd kernel module (http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/fusd/)
17 Download the fusd source
18 # svn co http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/fusd/
22 # patch -p1 < <patch/to/fusd.patch>
29 # cp <path/to/fusd-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
33 2) Installing v4l1_capture
40 To use this driver simply run "sudo v4l1_capture" this will create a
41 new device at /dev/video1 that is linked to /dev/video0. You can then
42 test the new device by running "camorama --device=/dev/video1 -D"